Home » Star Wars » [Star Wars] Top 10 Strongest, Most Powerful Jedi of All Time. He must have also trained Qui and Mace Windu at one point.. Yoda also defeated Count Dooku, something both Anakin and Obi FAILED to do.. We also have to consider that Yoda is hundreds of years old and way past his prime.. forgive me if the spelling is wrong, i haven't read on him in a while, but his spirit haunted Yavin for thousands of years after his death. The ultimate Sith Master, Darth Sidious, dueled Master Yoda, but Yoda couldn’t beat him. - Star Wars Explained, WHY REY IS SO POWERFUL in THE LAST JEDI REVEALED (CANON) - Star Wars Explained. In ROTJ Old Ben explains to Luke how what he told him was true. John Boyega Mocks Claim That Rey is the Most Powerful Jedi November 1, 2019 November 1, 2019 Victor Medina 1 Comment Finn, John Boyega, Mary Sue, Rey, The Rise of Skywalker. Yes my story could be more elaborate and fine details could be made, I think that would be AWESOME to see and not only that, it would show anakin has mastered both sides of the force, truest showing his power and how equal he truly is. Rui Carreira (author) from Torres Novas on March 24, 2020: The list isn't open to changes, so I hope it's not that :p. Can i talk to you about your list on discord? Jango battled Obi-Wan Kenobi to something of a draw. Luke: The Jedi who is the best. Answer: I rather think she is just going to go Dark Side. Additionally, his swordsmanship is second to none, even at the age of 900. Question: Would Revan be able to take down Mace Windu in a 1v1? Answer: The most powerful Jedi is Luke Skywalker, and he would beat Sidious. He was a practitioner of Form VII or Juyo, something that the Jedi restrained because it could possibly cause a Jedi to fall to the dark side. Ok. As anyone who reads the NJO knows, Anakin Solo had the most force potential of any Jedi. With all the council, Yoda couldn’t defeat Sidious in his journey but Luke did in his journey by believing in the conflict of his father. He was also the first Jedi who tapped into the dark side of the Force. I think Anakin should be ranked number 3 after Yoda and Luke. Please find below the The oldest and most powerful Jedi master in Star Wars answer and solution which is part of Daily Themed Crossword September 28 2018 Answers.Many other players have had difficulties with The oldest and most powerful Jedi master in Star Wars that is why we have decided to share not only this crossword clue but all the Daily Themed Crossword Answers every single day. Why is he not on this list? Just like his experiences, his lightsabers, too, vary in color. The greatest doesn’t always win but identify more with Luke than I do with a muppet that lived 900 years just like religion today the mythos carries through. The most powerful 'Star Wars' Jedi are not always the biggest or the strongest. Mace. Raven refused and went on to kill Malak. Imagine how much more powerful he could have been ages ago.. … Answer: Unfortunately no. Answer: Revan achieved his full power on both sides, while Anakin capped on the Sith side but didn't cap on the Jedi one. But the Soresu master drops his defenses and sacrifices himself. His life is really a rollercoaster between the light and dark, but it’s safe to say he was one of the most powerful force users of all time. In hindsight, if the Sith are able to use Blue Lightsabers, it goes to show that the Jedi can also use Red ones. He was only defeated by obi wan because he had not reached his full potential. Answer: She is, but not top tier material, unfortunately. Question: How is Luke the most powerful, Revan could easily beat him? Granted, I also think that it just seems so unlikely that she’s so good at dueling and using the Force at that level. Yoda trained him right? It said I was wrong. He was the choosen one and was born to be most powerful and to bring balance between dark side and light side of force. Luke Skywalker defeats Palpatine and Yoda at his prime would also probably do it. Hero of Tython. What about the 'Sword of the Jedi' who defeated Jason routenely throughout their childhood and defeated him when he went darkside. Question: What about T’ra Saa? Rey is blown out of the water for no reason. Question: Seriously, why isn't Revan at the top of this list? If they are putting Jacen Solo on the list, they should put Anakin Skywalker on. This was a great list. Obi-Wan: The Jedi with the high ground It may not make sense altogether, but as the Star Wars universe grows, I hope they explain more about her and why she is so powerful. PLO should be near the top because PLO has defeated yoda before and not many jedis can. In the Duel of Mustafar, the display of his skill and discipline in Form III is obvious, but his compassion and love for Anakin shine through. However, he was one of the best Jedi who ever lived. Yoga trained a lot of Jedi, and he was known for his mastery of the Force and skills with lightsabers and vibroblades. Why is Haden solo on list if Ben solo is the son in the movies. Anakin Skywalker was literally the son of the Force, he was a prodigy with midi-chlorian levels far above Yoda, he was trained by the best in a time where the order was prosperous... and he still couldn't do half of what Rey - a scavenger with no training and no order behind her - can. Question: Luke is under Yoda. Count Dooku was trained by both the most powerful Jedi (Yoda) and the most powerful Sith lord (Sidious), but compared to everyone else on this list, he doesn't have the strongest connection with the force. She singlehandedly defeated Nihilus Sion and even Traya! Was incredibly proficient with a lightsaber. Nomi Sunrider with her husband's lightsaber. This technique favored the use of hostility and oppression in order for it to stop blaster bolts counter the attacks of opponents. Anakin: The Jedi with the best wife . Ret’s journey to become a Jedi has been far too easy but then again some journey’s are easier than others. Well, for starters, he was using the Force subconsciously long before his official Jedi training began with the former Jedi … Talking about his ability to go to the world between worlds. Rey: The Jedi with the most skills . He started his Jedi life as a Guardian, but he wasn’t mediocre at all, he was one of the orders’ greatest fighters ever! Once inside the temple, they learn more about the Jedi Order, lightsabers, and kyber crystals. In The Empire Strikes Back , he does much more than instruct Luke Skywalker in combat or prepare him physically to fight Darth Vader; he readies his mind and tries to curb the boy’s impatience and anger, which is something that’s much harder to do. Her Jedi Master when she was a Padawan was Mace Windu. Also, where is Kyp Durron! Yoda old as he appears on the movies vs Revan, Revan would win. Unlike the other characters who were reacting to circumstances and antagonists, he was actually planning ahead and trying to build a safer future for everybody. Also he defeated Count Dooku in battle. The powerful Sith Lord Count Dooku escaped Mace Windu, after Mace dueled him and won. It allowed him to use the Force to shoot lightning from his fingers. In terms of swordplay, he was a master of Ataru but also employed the reverse grip from Form V. During the Mission to Raxus, his fighting skills and use of the Force’s dark side helped him combat Dooku, he even managed to land a kick on the Count’s face. Star trek is star wreck on March 12, 2018: i read all the comments but i belive that the best jedi are evin piel. 1. This is a Pre-Disney list, as mentioned in other answers. But I might be wrong according to others. Then, they are tasked to go into the cave and retrieve their own crystals. There is a lot to be said about how good it was versus what could be corrected. But in comics he literally took on the most powerful force sensitive being to ever exist, (with help), he could levelentire army's with his force push. Whether Obi-Wan deserves to be on a most powerful list is certainly debatable, by all means. Can stealth out of a fight to “dirty rez” fallen team-mates Sith Inquisitor - Darkness Assassin / Jedi Consular - Kinetics Shadow (Tank, S Tier) He was a prodigy . (If that doesn't tell you something, then I don't know what will.) When she fought in the Great Sith War, she actually used her Force abilities to completely disconnect Qel-Droma. A Jedi's strength may derive from his or her mastery of the lightsaber or the Force—both things a Jedi must master with care in order not to fall to the dark side. Well, Jacen Solo is their son. We all agree Obi Wan is top 5. The Top 10 Strongest Jedi of All Time is among one of the most difficult lists to make, but here’s what I think are the most powerful Jedi ever, along with some info, details, and FAQs by … Far from being the strongest, Qui-Gon was still a great Jedi because he concentrated on the mystical side of the Force. Factors like Force-sensitivity and Force-powers, to Jedi Order status and impact on Star Wars history, all are important and must be taken into account. However, when Malak betrayed him, he destroyed the saber. He wasn't a full committed Jedi like all these on the list such as Luke Skywalker. Rephrase: Can Anyone Use a Lightsaber. As we move towards a more equal society - it’s becoming Rey’s time and no I’m not a fan on Rian Johnson, Kennedy or Abrams’ Rey characters. Answer: Because she is a Mary Sue and a character that should be discarded. Had he develop that side and force control, he would definitely be way better off... besides, I added him on my strongest Sith list instead. With the new Star Wars: The Last Jedi film coming up soon, it makes total sense for Star Wars fans to be excited. and where are the best jedi, like streen, gantoris, and mara jade and jaina solo!? It isn’t as easy as it sounds because when they enter the cave, the younglings must separate and embark on their own journeys. Revan should be 1, he had powers that far surpassed any other living or non living being, it’s because he is the only person to achieve the ranks of both Jedi master and with lord, his full understanding of the force allowed him to do things such as teleport over the distance of a galaxy. By Joe Burgett Nov 01, 2015. on August 4th 2019, 12:00 pm . Looking at him was like staring into the heart of the force. Question: Disney sucks and is ruining the Star Wars franchise, would you agree? Just another reason why Disneyverse is so bad. I think they just made her uncharacteristically gifted in fighting, and a Force genius at the same time. Just like some of the written material, it continued the story over time which makes all heroes and their deeds greater. Answer: Anakin has the potential to be the strongest force sensitive in the Saga, but he never realizes his potential and loses half his power when he turns Vader. Also Jacen Solo is here but Jeina isn't which is weird since she singlehandedly defeated him as a Sith. She managed to kill two of the assailants and some retreated back to Bogga. This style is quick, aggressive, highly acrobatic, and advantageous in open areas. the oldest and wisest!? In her lifetime, she ascended through the ranks and became a Jedi Master, and ultimately the Jedi Grand Master. Kathleen Kennedy ruined Star Wars. Answer: You know what? Nomi Sunrider: The Strongest Woman Jedi of All Time The Jedi form an Order of Power Users who bring harmony, knowledge, serenity and peace to theirs Basic principles. Perhaps she was just naturally gifted or her Palpatine blood may have something to do with it. She whipped up on the force entity, helping to drive her out of the Jedi Temple. He was a Jedi once. Question: Isn't Rey a more powerful Jedi than Luke? Question: Isn’t Yoda stronger than Luke Skywalker? His intense meditation made him the first Jedi to discover how to let his spirit live after his body’s death. This manifested in how the Force reflected their weaknesses and self-doubt. Question: Is there any Jedi that had a chance against Sidious and also wich Jedi was the most powerful force user? Is Anakin the strongest Jedi ever? Dr. 1 decade ago. @Plo nope. However, he far surpasses Yoda in the books. Who the strongest and weakest Jedi are is the kind of debate that keeps Star Wars fans up at night and challenges (and/or ruins) friendships. If he is more powerful than Yoda why he couldnt defend his force Lightning in Episode 6, Slap yourself for putting Luke ahead of "Yoga.". And then there’s her Force powers. As powerful as he is, he still wasn't strong enough to take down Anakin in Revenge of the Sith. For example you get Jedi and Sith but are there more groups like them but different practices? The Sith Race has been extinct for some millennia now, but their legacy persists. Yoda took 2 seconds to knock out two red guards, Rey took a few minutes to kill 5-10. N’Kata Del GormoN’Kata Del Gormo was a Force-sensitive male Hysalrian Jedi Master who lived during the times of the Galactic Republic. Satele and Bastila Shan were way more powerful than both of them. Answer: Luke trained with Yoda yes, for a short while, but then surpassed him after Yoda's death and some years into the future. Yes, TLJ was the worst pile of shit since watching Episodes 1-3: Anakin you’re breaking my heart! Question: Could Rey be harkening to a return of the ways of the ancient Jed'ai who were focused on maintaining a personal balance between light and dark rather than engaging in a war between the two, either of which could be seen as cause for the other, and this unbalance causing all the misery and turmoil in the galaxy? Yoda is hands down the strongest Jedi to have ever lived. Revan invaded countless Sith bases, butchered infinite numbers of Sith soldiers, and killed dozens of Sith Apprentices and Masters until finally he killed Darth Brandon—Malak’s apprentice.Darth Malak captured Bastilla and converted her to the dark side of the Force, but Revan wouldn’t give up on love, dueling her and defeating her. One thing led to another and Vader saves Luke from the Emperor. As for his Force skills, he has a special technique called the Shatterpoint. I'm a huge Star Wars fan, and I often asked myself this question. He is more powerful than Yoda. Nonetheless, Ataru has its weaknesses. Why is Ben at 5? Yoda spared with every Jedi hundreds of times and plo koon only beat him once. Could trap powerful entities within his mind and imprison them and could resurrect others as well as being one of the most feared Force users of the time. When Jacen turned thirteen, he and his sister, Jaina Solo, started to train with their uncle, Luke Skywalker, toward becoming Jedi. Question: Is Luke Skywalker more powerful than Exar Kun? Xendor was one of the Jedi that rebelled against the Jedi Code. By Adam Barnhardt - November 23, 2020 12:04 pm EST. He dedicated his whole life to teaching rather than fighting. … Being a descendant of one of the most powerful Sith Lords of all time, Rey can channel her abilities with very little training and is an extremely quick learner. Even though he was called the Chosen One, he inevitably fell to the dark side. Except he is not in The Last Jedi, The Force Awakens, and Rouge One. Where is Ahsoka Tano? Has the most powerful AoE heals in the game, as well as unique HoT abilities that stack up over time for huge healing numbers; One of the most mobile healers in the game with high survivability. He dueled ray and survived. A new fan theory on Reddit has suggested that Obi-Wan Kenobi is the strongest, force-wielding Jedi in the Star Wars universe. This article will remain The Last Jedi Spoiler Free. Question: Luke was trained pretty late in life compared to average padawans and that training was limited. According to legend, he found and trained Yoda and a Force-sensitive Human friend. The newest Jedi Master of the Skywalker saga, Rey is extremely gifted in channeling the Force. This is one point in Ki-Adi Mundi’s favor (joking, I didn’t weigh this one). She severed another great Sith Lord’s connection to the Force using her immense power and was vital in ending the Great Sith War. She fought against one of the greatest—in my opinion the greatest—Sith Lords of all time: Exar Kun. Anakin Skywalker must also be in the discussion. His species is known to have a spectacularly low birth rate, so Ki-Adi Mundi was allowed to get married by the Jedi Council. I mean like, like we're literally talking a jedi master whose lived up to nearly 1000 years man. I think Yoda is the strongest Jedi.. Jana Solo was the only Jedi I recall who was recognized as "Sword of the Jedi." Re: Who is the greatest Jedi of all time? Revan is by far more powerful than yoda. Had he achieved his full potential he would have been stronger than Abeloth), 1 Revan. Share 0 Comments. Answer: You are absolutely right, and maybe I should have placed him at this list as well, however, I wrote this and the Sith Lords list at the same time and ended up placing Anakin on the other one. Question: Why wasn't Qui-Gon-Jinn on the list as one of the strongest Jedi? Answer: Only post-Disney. Before he gave the title to Master Yoda, Mace Windu was the Master of the Jedi Order. 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