Prunus ilicifolia is an evergreen shrub to tree, producing edible cherries, with shiny and spiny toothed leaves similar in appearance to those of holly. It is native to the southwestern United States and Baja California in Mexico. 

It has been the official the state bird of California since 1931.

If you see a coyote, you can stop and watch, but do not approach it. It is the only species of the genus Prunus native to the Santa Monica Mountains that divide the Los Angeles basin from the San Fernando Valley, California.

They will key in on easy prey such as pets and small children.

There are believed to be several subspecies, including the black-tailed deer. These plants have a tendency to absorb and concentrate selenium in their tissues from the soils in which they grow, and can be potentially very toxic if the roots or green parts of the plant are consumed. The lemonade berry occurs in both chaparral and coastal sage scrub communities. The species Ribes odoratum is closely related, and sometimes named Ribes aureum var.



This medium-sized bat ranges from 4 to 5 in (10–13 cm) in body length, with an 11- to 13-in (28- to 33-cm) wingspan, and weighs between 1/2 and 5/8 oz (14-16 g). Tail hair is replaced only in the spring. Clusters of pale colored urn shaped flowers attract hummingbirds in spring, and large drooping clusters of dark red berries are fed upon by birds in late summer.

Source: Wikipedia


The California tarantula is a very docile native spider. 1232 reviews of Eaton Canyon Natural Area "So I use to go down into the dry riverbed with friends and drink at night when I was younger. Not sure if this is still possible

CAUTION: Lupine may be toxic humans and animals if ingested.

The California ground squirrel (Otospermophilus beecheyi), is a common and easily observed ground squirrel of the western United States and the Baja California Peninsula; it is common in Oregon and California and its range has relatively recently extended into Washington and northwestern Nevada.

Do not allow children and pets to consume.

It has large, pinnately compound leaves with 11-19 lanceolate leaflets with toothed margins and no hair in the vein angles. Swainson's thrush was named after William Swainson, an English ornithologist.

Source: Wikipedia


The cougar (Puma concolor), also commonly known as the mountain lion, puma, or catamount, is a large felid of the subfamily Felinae native to the Americas.

Source: NPS


Artemisia douglasiana (California Mugwort, Douglas's Sagewort or Dream Plant) is an aromatic herb in the genus Artemisia. It has thick bark, deeply channeled or furrowed at maturity.

California scrub jays, like many other corvids, exploit seasonal food availability by storing food in scattered caches. The name reflects that in the past it used to be treated in a distinct genus Zauschneria, but modern studies have shown that it is best placed within the genus Epilobium. The fragrant leaves and stems give chaparral its characteristic fragrance. As with other rattlesnake species, western rattlesnakes will rapidly vibrate their tails, which produces a unique rasping sound to warn intruders.

Its leaves have been shown to contain Thujone, which is suspected to have mild psychoactive properties, and Cineole, which is an antibacterial agent.

Source: Wikipedia


Comarostaphylis diversifolia, summer holly or California comarostaphylos, is a species of shrub in the heath family. As is typical of bird-eating raptors, peregrine falcons are sexually dimorphic, females being considerably larger than males.The peregrine is renowned for its speed, reaching over 320 km/h (200 mph) during its characteristic hunting stoop (high speed dive),making it the fastest member of the animal kingdom.

Image: American Crow - Singing Sands, Bruce Peninsula National Park, Ontario, Canada -- 2007 June


The American kestrel (Falco sparverius), sometimes colloquially known as the sparrow hawk, is a small falcon, and the only kestrel found in the Americas. While there are reports of coyotes attacking and killing a person, these types of incidents are extremely rare. The fruit is a dry achene.

Tips for prevention:

After the rains the water can reach waist high levels and you should have dry socks to avoid any type of rash on your feet created from the hike while walking.

Source: Wikipedia


The bobcat (Lynx rufus) is a North American mammal of the cat family Felidae, appearing during the Irvingtonian stage of around 1.8 million years ago (AEO).With 12 recognized subspecies, it ranges from southern Canada to northern Mexico, including most of the continental United States. Weights vary from about 0.8 to 2.2 pounds (0.36 to 1.00 kg), and length (including tail) from 17 to 24 inches (43 to 61 cm). Spend some time there so you can enjoy the view and admire the beauty of the waterfall. Its upperside is light blue in males and dull grayish blue in females.