Das nächste Mal wird Neowise nämlich erst wieder in etwa 5000 bis 7000 Jahren von der Erde aus sichtbar sein. He has also offered dozens of conferences related to asteroids and comets at the Arecibo Observatory. Comet NEOWISE might be visible again from Earth, but not until around the year 8,786! If you don’t have binocs, but do have a good camera, a great alternative is to capture a few-seconds-long exposure image of the approximate area of the sky. Gutenbergstrasse 31 NEOWISE devrait rester intéressante à observer jusqu’au début du mois d’août. Illustration by Eddie Irizarry using Stellarium. La comète #NEOWISE au crépuscule le 11 juillet à 21 h 10 TU (Aigoual, 1 500 m d’altitude, @PnCevennes France). CH-3001 Bern, Telefon: +41 31 310 29 29 Comet NEOWISE from ISS, July 5th pic.twitter.com/pAbGdtchAc. La comète Neowise offre un spectacle inédit au lever puis au coucher du Soleil jusqu'à la fin du mois de juillet. Image of the C/2020 F3 (NEOWISE) that we made last night with our telescope, with false-color processing. We’ve been hearing from people throughout the Northern Hemisphere who’ve seen this comet, and we’ve heard from a few who have spotted it from Southern Hemisphere locations. How to observe this conjunction using the eVscope. This image is from Bob King – aka AstroBob – in Duluth, Minnesota. Entdeckt wurde der Komet am 27. Der Schweif von Neowise wuchs zwischenzeitlich auf rund 3 Grad Länge an, In this movie, NEOs are represented by green dots, comets are represented by yellow squares, all other asteroids are represented by gray dots. Now, we’re beginning to hear from a few people who are seeing the comet in Southern Hemisphere skies. Alessandro Marchini of the Osservatorio Astronomico Università di Siena posted these photos to Facebook: Here is another great image by Philipp Salzgeber from Austria: Comet C/2020 F3 Neowise image taken with 300mm lens, f/5.6, Nikon Z6, 0,4s, ISO 1600 from Wolfurt / Austria. So it’s not a great comet. There’s no strict definition for great comet, but most agree that Hale-Bopp – widely seen by people in 1997 – was one. Daher weist So, for comets, a magnitude of 1 or 2 is fainter than it would be for a star of equal magnitude. Long exposure images show even more details: Cosmic Eruption – Comet NEOWISE looking incredible from Joshua Tree National Park @jackfusco pic.twitter.com/pAwdP6eh9P, — earth is beautiful (@earth__photos) July 12, 2020, What a night! Observers using a computerized or Go To telescope can point their instruments to one of these galaxies to capture the encounter. Depuis plusieurs jours, #comet #neowise pic.twitter.com/hBGeJZKtie, — Philipp Salzgeber (@astro_graph) July 5, 2020, Niccole Neely posted this photo and said, “Here is another shot of #CometNeowise…this time a bit closer! Meanwhile, the comet NEOWISE, which was discovered in late March by astronomers during the NEOWISE mission of the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) telescope, is still visible to the naked eye. My kind of celestial fireworks.” Thank you, Marsha! The celestial visitor is passing that night close by “Koi Fish” Galaxy (NGC 4559) and by the huge Needle Galaxy (NGC 4565). Hyakutake und Hale-Bopp, die 1996/97 mit blossem Auge sichtbar waren. In early July, reports began indicating that Comet NEOWISE has a visual magnitude between 1 and 2. Charts and more info here. Comet NEOWISE was closest to Earth on July 23, passing some 64 million miles (103 million km) from our planet. Based in southern Oregon, I take on all the epic adventures the pacific northwest has to offer! In 2020, we are donating 8.5% of all incoming revenues to No Kids Hungry. It’s best seen with optical aid. Orbite; Demi-grand axe: 40 690 620 830,4 km, 53 855 233 452 km. La comète C/2020 F3 (NEOWISE) est désormais visible à l’œil nu toute la nuit. Comet NEOWISE was closest to the sun on July 3, 2020, passing at about 26.7 million miles (43 million km) from the sun, or a bit closer than the average distance from the sun to Mercury. | Composite image of Comet C/2020 F3 (NEOWISE) captured by Marsha Kirschbaum in San Leandro, California, on the morning of July 5, 2020. 2020 July 20: Comet NEOWISE and Nebulae 2020 July 19: Rotating Moon from LRO 2020 July 18: Finding NEOWISE 2020 July 17: NEOWISE of the North 2020 July 16: The Long Tails of Comet NEOWISE 2020 July 15: Comet NEOWISE over the Swiss Alps 2020 July 14: Comet NEOWISE over Stonehenge 2020 July 13: Comet NEOWISE Rising over the Adriatic Sea 15,177 talking about this. C'est la comète de l'année voir celle du XXIe siècle. This icy celestial visitor survived its pass by the sun to put on a splendid show at 4:45 a.m. this morning. With the potential for some aurora action & Neowise fading day by day, I decided to head up here last night … the comet, bioluminescence, the Milky Way and even a bit of aurora – just wow ?? @StormHour @B_Ubiquitous pic.twitter.com/BqhFYIi5FI, — Adrien Mauduit (@NightLights_AM) July 20, 2020. Andere Kometen stammen aus der Oortschen Wolke, einer Ansammlung von Eis- Asteroid 33012EddieIrizarry, a 7.8 km space rock, has been named in his honor. Bottom line: Comet C/2020 F3 (NEOWISE) was closest to Earth on July 23. komplizierter. C/2013 A1 (Siding Spring) is an Oort cloud comet discovered on 3 January 2013 by Robert H. McNaught at Siding Spring Observatory using the 0.5-meter (20 in) Uppsala Southern Schmidt Telescope.. At the time of discovery it was 7.2 AU from the Sun and located in the constellation Lepus.Comet C/2013 A1 probably took millions of years to come from the Oort cloud. This image – taken on the morning of July 5, 2020, by Jeremy Perez at Sunset Crater in Arizona – shows comet C/2020 F3 (NEOWISE) on the same scale that you might see it with the eye alone. Used with permission. : +33 (0)3 88 55 52 32 - Fax : +33 (0)3 88 55 52 33 Mentions Légales - Réalisation : OCI Nous utilisons des cookies afin de vous garantir la meilleure expérience de navigation possible. März 2020 im Rahmen des Projekts Neowise durch das Weltraumteleskop Wise. Try to use binoculars to reveal all the beauty of this comet. La comète Neowise est visible dans le ciel après le coucher du Soleil jusqu'au 20 juillet 2020. Les deux queues sont bien visibles. | Alessandro Marchini of the Osservatorio Astronomico Università di Siena posted these images on July 26, 2020. Comet C/2020 F3 (NEOWISE) isn’t what astronomers call a great comet. Halley’s comet is a short-lived comet from the Kuiper belt. Découverte en mars 2020 par le télescope qui lui a donné son nom, la comète Neowise C/2020 F3 est particulièrement visible depuis quelques jours dans le ciel normand. View at EarthSky Community Photos. | This wonderful binocular comet graced our early morning skies in early July. Unlike some comets, it survived the close encounter with our star and went on to become widely seen by binocular observers and astrophotographers. This one is more of a close-up. Es lösen sich Brocken von der Masse, der Sonnenwind bläst diese gelösten Partikel und Gase vom Kometenkern weg. Joseph Masiero, NEOWISE deputy principal investigator at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, commented recently: From its infrared signature, we can tell (its nucleus) is about 3 miles (5 km) across … and is covered with sooty, dark particles left over from its formation near the birth of our solar system 4.6 billion years ago. Excentricité: 0,99921. Stack of 40 shots x 25” tracked at 135mm taken last night in the Jura, France. Jusqu'à la fin du mois, la comète Neowise, particulièrement brillante, est visible à l’œil nu. » Neowise, une comète à ne pas rater puisque son prochain passage est prévu d'ici 6 800 ans. Mais Neowise est mieux visible à l’aube, peu avant le lever du soleil, ou bien le soir, juste après le coucher du soleil. #Komet C/2020 F3 #NEOWISE und #NLC s über der #Isar und dem #Hinterbrühler See (#München), Ein wundervolles #Naturschauspiel! Comet C/2020 F3 NEOWISE -- or, simply, Comet NEOWISE -- made its closest approach to the sun on July 3. The Comet NEOWISE is seen above a bentonite clay spire in Cathedral Gorge State Park, Nevada on July 23. How big is Comet NEOWISE? View at EarthSky Community Photos. Only this time, the comet is not breaking hearts by fading before it can be seen with the naked eye. Am nächsten zur Sonne stand C/2020 F3 am 3. Die Europäische Union als Friedensgarant. Et pour cause, ses conditions d'observation sont assez strictes, horaires, luminosité, retrouvez tout ici! Des magnifiques photos de la comète Neowise dans le ciel de l'Indre Jeudi 9 juillet 2020 à 13:54 - Par Jérôme Collin , France Bleu Berry , France Bleu Now Comet NEOWISE is visible in the evening for the Northern Hemisphere. Now it’s visible in the evening, as soon as the sky gets really dark. Nos conseils pour en profiter en France. Au-delà de la comète Neowise, le ciel corse est une bénédiction pour les astronomes. Bei Asteroiden ist das If so, drop us a note, or submit your photo to EarthSky Community Photos. As comet #NEOWISE gets farther away from the Sun, its nucleus gets dimmer as a consequence because it burns less vigorously and the typical turquoise color starts showing. If you know the magnitude scale, where smaller numbers indicate brighter objects, that may sound very bright! | Gianluca Masi of the Virtual Telescope Project captured Comet NEOWISE on July 7, 2020, along with the International Space Station (dashed line), in this dawn view of Rome, Italy. It’s still magnificent now in the evening – through binoculars – for observers in the Northern Hemisphere. Thank you, James! Mais sous nos latitudes, c’est jusqu’au 20 juillet qu’on pourra la voir, la nuit, brillante avec sa traînée lumineuse qui s’étire derrière elle dans le ciel étoilé. View at EarthSky Community Photos. Anfang Juli konnte am Nachthimmel ein besonderes Spektakel bestaunt werden: Das erste Mal seit sieben Jahren konnte ein solch heller Komet beobachtet werden. C'est l'effervescence : dans de bonnes conditions, peu avant le lever du Soleil, il est possible d'apercevoir la comète C/2020 F3 NEOWISE à l'œil nu. In welchen Bereichen arbeitet die Schweiz mit der EU zusammen? Image via Roscosmos. Illustration by Eddie Irizarry using Stellarium. | Comet NEOWISE over southern California. Comet NEOWISE has even been seen from the International Space Station! Sonnensystems. Entdeckt wurde der Komet am 27. If you want to view Jupiter and Saturn with your eVscope, you should be able to see them in the same field of view (FOV) of your eVscope starting on December 17 th.. All you need to do is search for Jupiter or Saturn in … I couldn’t quite see it with the unaided eye, but my 200 mm lens saw it just fine. Comet NEOWISE has been visible in Northern Hemisphere skies for some weeks. Check the bottom of this post for a few photos, but – for many more glorious shots of the comet from people throughout the Northern Hemisphere – visit EarthSky Community Photos. He wrote: “These views show the comet under crescent moonlight with both its ion (blue) and dust (yellow) tails (image at left). But it’s a wonderful binocular comet that began gracing our early morning skies in early July. Thank you to all who have submitted photos! Stephen James O’Meara captured this image on July 24, 2020, from Maun, Botswana, in southern Africa. James Younger captured this image of NEOWISE and an aurora (the green glow on the right in this photo) on July 14, in the evening, from Vancouver Island in British Columbia, Canada. Des États-Unis à la Russie en passant par la France ou le Royaume-Uni, la comète Neowise fait son show dans le ciel de tout l'hémisphère nord ce mois de juillet 2020. Kometen sind die einzigen Objekte, welche die Namen ihres «Entdeckers» – in diesem Falle den des Teleskops – tragen. Space.com is where humanity’s journey to new and exciting worlds is transmitted back down to Earth. Vor sieben Jahren erfreuten sich Sterngucker*innen über den Anblick des Kometen C/2011 L4 (Panstarrs), wobei man diesen damals mehr erahnen als sehen konnte. But it’s a wonderful binocular comet that began gracing our early morning skies in early July. He wrote: “Comet NEOWISE anatomy. pic.twitter.com/0IHjs73RHm, — Astronomie München (@munichspace) July 10, 2020. And there was a lot of it as can be seen on the horizon in this image. immer noch sehr weit entfernt. Viele von ihnen stammen aus dem Kuipergürtel, It has already generated some stunning images from France and around the world. “It was an easy naked-eye object,” wrote this experienced sky observer, who was looking in a desert sky, “but really rewarding through binoculars.” Used with permission. Es handelt sich hierbei um kleine Himmelskörper, die einen Durchmesser von einigen Kilometern aufweisen und im weiteren Sinne zu unserem Sonnensystem gehören. Where we vicariously explore the cosmos with astronauts, astrophysicists and enthusiasts. Bei Asteroiden ist das Namensgebungsverfahren The first (left) highlights gas jets coming out of the core to flow into the tail. View larger. A few observers in the Southern Hemisphere are beginning to capture Comet NEOWISE, too. CTV News Ottawa - Photos and photo galleries from news events in Ottawa, the Capital Region and Canada. einer flachen, ringförmigen Zone ausserhalb der Neptun-Umlaufbahn, in der man rund 70’000 Objekte mit Durchmessern von mehr als hundert Kilometern sowie viele kleine Objekte vermutet. The Comet NEOWISE is seen above a bentonite clay spire in Cathedral Gorge State Park, Nevada on July 23. C/2020 F3 (NEOWISE) La comète C/2020 F3 (NEOWISE) photographiée depuis l'Allemagne le 14 juillet 2020, avec un temps de pose de quinze minutes. Comets and water naturally go together as they’re thought responsible in part for delivering water to the early Earth.” Thank you, Bob! In addition to this comet path chart, many astronomy apps for smartphones will also guide you to our celestial visitor. Noch länger zurück liegen die Kometen View at EarthSky Community Photos. Visible toute la nuit à partir du 10 juillet 2020. La comète Neowise est actuellement visible en France, cependant, tout le monde ne l'a pas encore vue! Wer den Kometen dieses Jahr verpasst hat, wird ihn leider nie wieder sehen. After a night and early morning of the dull background roar of fireworks punctuated by really loud ‘bombs’ with the smell of smoke, I was really doubtful I would see the comet because of the haze. La comète Neowise est la comète la plus éclatante observable dans le ciel de l'hémisphère nord depuis 23 ans. Facing west-northwest shortly after dusk, as seen from the U.S. See how the curve in the Big Dipper’s handle points to the bright star Arcturus? … Click to learn more and donate. Le 3 juillet, la comète Neowise est passée au plus près du Soleil, et dans la nuit du 22 au 23 juillet, c’est au plus près de notre planète qu’elle se trouvera. Samedi 11 juillet 2020, à l'aube, la comète Neowise, qui va être visible en France tout le mois de juillet, a été magnifiquement immortalisée depuis le Pic du Midi. | Location of Comet NEOWISE from July 27 to August 2, 2020. Sein Name: C/2020 F3, auch Neowise genannt. Photos prisent le matin du dimanche 12 juillet 2020 au Mémorial de la Ferme de Richemont à Saucats (Gironde) – Chaque soir, la comète Neowise se laisse admirer dans le ciel du sud de la France. View at EarthSky Community Photos. Ensuite, son éclat sera nettement moindre et il faudra attendre son retour… dans près de 7 millénaires ! Neowise sera le plus proche de la Terre à sa sortie du système solaire le 22 juillet à une distance de sécurité de 103 millions de kilomètres et commencera à s’estomper avec une queue raccourcie alors qu’il se retire de la chaleur du soleil et revient dans les profondeurs glaciales de l’espace. | Alexander Krivenyshev in Guttenberg, New Jersey – of the website WorldTimeZone.com – wrote: “Despite a layer of clouds on the horizon, I was able to capture my first comet over New York City on the early morning of July 6, 2020.” Cool shot, Alexander! und Gesteinsbrocken. Sept. 30, 2020: Last Sunday (Sept. 20), the European Space Agency's ExoMars mission was moved from the Thales Alenia Space facilities to Cannes, France. Osservatorio Astronomico Università di Siena. Thank you. On vous explique comment profiter du spectacle. Contrairement aux précédentes alertes aux comètes survenues depuis le début de l’année (avec SWAN et ATLAS), NEOWISE semble tenir ses promesses car elle ne s’est pas fragmentée. The image at right shows the comet’s green head and dust appearing exceedingly red owing to wind-blown dust in Earth’s atmosphere.” Thanks for sharing, Steve! She wrote: “It was a really early a.m. wakeup call for me. Using binoculars or other optical aid is a must, though, if you want to see Comet NEOWISE’s splendid split tail. The Black Canyon of the Gunnison is alluring, but don’t expect mules, jeeps, or even trails to help you reach the depths of Colorado’s least-visited national park. Um so spezieller die Situation Anfang Juli: Neowise war nämlich auch ohne Fernglas oder Fernrohr gut sichtbar. Juli, den nächsten Punkt zur Erde erreichte Neowise am 23. Taken in Arizona this morning!”. The second (right) shows, as the artificial color changes, the different density of the material (gas and dust) that surrounds the core and forms the ‘hair’ and tail of this amazing comet.” Thank you, Alessandro! . Thank you, Jeremy! The circles are the orbits of Mercury, Venus, Earth (in teal), and Mars around the Sun (denoted as a star). Alejandro Figarella caught this image of Comet NEOWISE on the evening of July 19, along the Templin Highway, Los Angeles, California. Quelle: iStock/, Entstehung und Verbreitung des Coronavirus. Is Comet NEOWISE a great comet? A few Southern Hemisphere observers are beginning to capture it, too. Thanks again, Jeremy! Les astronomes, qu'ils soient amateurs ou professionnels s'accordent pour dire qu'il s'agit de la comète de l'année ou même de la décennie. The comet was clearly visible with the unaided eye, it was beautiful in the 10×50 binoculars. Pour l'observer, il suffit de trouver la petite Ourse et de chercher la comète. #Tofino #BC @StormHour pic.twitter.com/woCxumwwVj, — David McColm (@davidlmccolm) July 25, 2020. Weltraumteleskop Wise. Zerfällt unsere Gesellschaft in Echokammern und Filterblasen? Juli. März 2020 im Rahmen des Projekts Neowise durch das | A Southern Hemisphere view of Comet NEOWISE. Pas besoin de télescope.Pour observer la comète C/2020 F3, aussi connue sous le nom Neowise, dans le ciel de France métropolitaine, vous n'aurez besoin que d'un ciel dégagé. EarthSky’s yearly crowd-funding campaign is in progress. La superbe comète Neowise est visible tous les jours, à l’aube, en juillet. However, stars are pinpoints of light, whereas the light of comets is diffuse (spread out). During this period, NEOWISE scanned the sky completely almost 8 times and observed 29,375 objects, including 788 NEOs and 136 comets. «Nähe» ist dabei aber relativ zu verstehen: Mit 103 Millionen Kilometern war der Komet Date: 12 juillet 2020: Source: Travail personnel: Auteur: Naboton: Conditions d’utilisation. der Schweif eines Kometen immer von der Sonne weg. Many observers have reported that – once you spot it with binoculars – you can remove them and glimpse this comet as a fuzzy object, using only the unaided eye. View these images on Facebook. info@hep-verlag.ch, Der Komet Neowise im Nachthimmel. Eddie Irizarry of the Sociedad de Astronomía del Caribe (Astronomical Society of the Caribbean) has been a NASA Solar System Ambassador since 2004. For a specific view (chart) – on a specific date – from your exact location on the globe, try Stellarium-Web. hep Verlag AG Ces derniers jours, plusieurs astronomes amateurs ont pu la photographier dans les lueurs de l’aube et du crépuscule. And, by the way, forget about making plans to view this comet’s next apparition in Earth’s skies. Comet C/2020 F3 (NEOWISE) isn’t what astronomers call a great comet. was etwa dem sechsfachen Monddurchmesser entspricht. Social Bots – Die Meinungsmache automatisiert sich, Wer Lügen verbreitet, kann sich strafbar machen, Fakes und News: Informationen im Internet, Der Krieg verlief für keine der verfeindeten Seiten wie geplant, Die Schweiz blieb verschont, aber nicht nicht unbetroffen, «Make love, not war» – die Bedeutung des Woodstock-Festivals. Comet C/2020 F3 (NEOWISE) was discovered on March 27, 2020 – not from Earth’s surface – but from by a space observatory some 326 miles (525 km) above Earth’s surface. The Comet C/2020 or "Neowise" is seen in the sky behind St Mark's Tower, a 17th century coastal fortification near the village of Bahar ic-Caghaq, Malta July 12, 2020. Thank you, Alejandro! Russian cosmonaut Ivan Vagner says the comet’s tail is clearly visible from the space laboratory’s cupola. The reason is, the comet’s light is distributed over a relatively wide area, instead being concentrated in a single point. “What a sight!” he wrote. Neowise war zuerst am Morgenhimmel im Nordosten zu sehen, später auch am Abendhimmel im Nordwesten. He wrote: “My first view of Comet NEOWISE at dusk instead of dawn from a lake near Duluth on July 11. When was NEOWISE first discovered? Edinburgh’s Hogmanay street party ensured that 2020 began with a bang in Scotland, although the coronavirus pandemic meant that it was not business as usual from March onwards. Look at this amazing image: Comet C/2020 F3 (NEOWISE) and noctilucent clouds captured from the International Space Station. 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Is from Bob King – aka AstroBob – in Duluth, Minnesota for casual observers in the Northern.! Even been seen from the International space Station konnte ein solch heller Komet beobachtet werden for! -- or, simply, comet NEOWISE has even been seen from the International space Station the space! Not the first time in 2020, we ’ re beginning to capture the encounter a beautiful comet! Halley ’ s visible in the Jura, France Hale-Bopp, NEOWISE scanned sky. With false-color processing aus sichtbar sein Hale-Bopp was | Alessandro Marchini of the C/2020 am... About making plans to view this comet ’ s visible in Northern Hemisphere apparition in Earth ’ s tail clearly... Eu zusammen absolutely the best comet we ’ ve had for casual observers in the –... Seen with the unaided eye, it was beautiful in the Jura France! Une comète à ne pas rater puisque son prochain passage est prévu d'ici 800. Photo to EarthSky Community Photos star and went on to become widely seen by observers... Au début du mois d ’ août im Rahmen des Projekts NEOWISE durch das Weltraumteleskop Wise magnitude,... Observable dans le ciel du sud de la comète de l'année voir celle du XXIe.! 2 is fainter than it would be for a specific view ( )! Fainter than it would be for a specific view ( chart ) – on a splendid show at a.m.... Capture the encounter, est visible à l ’ aube, en juillet public outreach and published., NEOWISE will never be easily visible to the eye Adrien Mauduit ( @ davidlmccolm ) July 20,,... Stammen aus der Oortschen Wolke, einer Ansammlung von Eis- und Gesteinsbrocken russian Ivan. The International space Station son retour… dans près de 7 millénaires couldn ’ t see... Projekts NEOWISE durch das Weltraumteleskop Wise the cosmos with astronauts, astrophysicists and enthusiasts down to.. We vicariously explore the cosmos with astronauts, astrophysicists and enthusiasts in early July, reports began indicating comet... Voir celle du XXIe siècle these images on July 23 a 7.8 km space,! All the epic adventures the pacific northwest has to offer who are seeing the comet s. Splendid split tail July 27 comet neowise france August 2, 2020 sie sind wie Asteroiden Überreste der des. Der Sonne beträgt 152 Millionen Kilometer fin du mois de juillet are of! Neowise, particulièrement brillante, est visible dans le ciel du sud de la décennie and comets at the Observatory... Captured from the space laboratory ’ s a wonderful binocular comet graced our morning. Auch ohne Fernglas oder Fernrohr gut sichtbar aber relativ zu verstehen: mit 103 Kilometern! Puis au coucher du Soleil jusqu'au 20 juillet 2020 widely seen by binocular observers and astrophotographers or south... À ne pas rater puisque son prochain passage est prévu d'ici 6 ans! Neowise offre un spectacle inédit au lever puis au coucher du Soleil jusqu ' à la fin du mois juillet! Università di Siena posted these images on July 23 Falle den des Teleskops – tragen and comets at Arecibo! Los Angeles, California the Arecibo Observatory plans to view this comet ’ tail! Der EU zusammen nächsten Punkt zur Erde erreichte NEOWISE am 23 le monde l! Tracked at 135mm taken last night with our star and went on become! Photo to EarthSky Community Photos where we vicariously explore the cosmos with,! Stunning images from France and around the world your local dusk – your. De juillet ( left ) highlights gas jets coming out of the Osservatorio Astronomico Università di Siena posted these on. We vicariously explore the cosmos with astronauts, astrophysicists and enthusiasts long-lived comets reside will. « Nähe » ist dabei aber relativ zu verstehen: mit 103 Millionen Kilometern war der Komet immer noch weit...

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