However, due to the laser diode's limited power, the machine has to slow down slightly when burning a pixel. can i connect the laser driver to this switching power ? Do I have to recalculate the resistors or I'm doing something wrong?Thanks in advance! I’ve just upgraded my XY Plotter v2.0 with the laser engraver upgrade kit, but both Y-axis limit switches do not work when using the Benbox software. It’s not easy to find eco-friendly phone cases that fit LG phones, but thankfully, there’s a small company in Ukraine that makes some! The range of current outputs for this circuit are: R1+R2 = 1ohm: 1.25A R1+R2 = 6ohm: 0.21A The NPN transistor is used as a switch. weston.d December 29, 2017, 12:02pm #7. The machine uses ballscrews and linear bearings to control the position and motion of the X and Y axes. I have the same laser driver board on my laser. Paste the printed design on your board with the printed side touching the copper side of the board. 01.26 [영화] Burning Man and the Meaning of Life 01.26 [영화] Mile Marker 01.26 [영화] Encountering Burning Man 01.26 [영화] A Snipers War 01.26 [영화] Rec Man 01.26 [영화] Expedition Amelia 01.26 [영화] West of Redemption Bipolar 4 wire connection Stepper Driver (qty:2) Digital stepping driver Microstepping feature Output current 0.5A to 5.6A Output current limiter (reduces risk of motors overheating) Control Signals: Step and Direction inputs Pulse Input freq up to 200kHz20V-50V DC supply voltage For each axis, the motor directly drives the ballscrew through a motor coupler. Que es lo que necesitas exactamente? So I connected to 12V instead of 10V and everithing turned ok! This is amazing I am literally going to find my two old computers right now. ! After that i just repeated the process for the X Axis. Sudden results and was not expected. See How to adjust the laser focus. The reason I reference this unit in that manner is that my first experience with a laser engraver was spent on my ULS-25E. Laser Engraver/cutter: This instructable is about using a laser engraver/cutter. This configuration is quite common for cnc machines, and provides a stable foundation for the base plate (Y-axis) and laser assembly (X-axis). Things have changed dramatically since I bought my laser. Be careful about gluing this parts to the carriage because i did the same on the X axis and had a lot of troubles as you will see on the following steps. 1,656 Likes, 63 Comments - Mitch Herbert (@mitchmherbert) on Instagram: “Excited to start this journey! So I have a 50w laser from eBay and it has been going fine for months. When you download the files from the GRBL git Proyect you'll see that you end up with a bunch of folders like in my last photo. Moderator: baker. Hi fnigl, Today I managed to acquire the SnapmakerJS software and set up laser mode and got great test results, at first. The parts I used are: 16mm hardened chromed shaft , 500mm length (qty: 4) 16mm linear bearing - SC16LUU (qty:4) 16mm shaft support - SK16 (qty:8) The ballscrew nut's rotational orientation is locked using a piece of aluminium (this is how we spell it in Australia!) For more images, have a look on my website: Thoughts Overall, I think this project was worth the time and effort. Wait to do the paintjob when you have everything up and running. I can’t understand Arduino pin to laser please replay me. This carriage varies, 1 Full Case (Front, bottom plate, and the back case). To make the switch work I'm using the ground from the +5V source I use for stepper motors. When the 2 axis where on place, i started building the plates that will hold the Laser (X Axis), and the material to be engraved (Y Axis). That is why you should first of all decide which tasks need to be fulfilled and which materials will be processed. 4. Thanks TimothyJ999 for the insight! Let’s face it, guys don’t typically get their own stuff laser-etched or engraved -- and nothing says “I know you’ll love this gift” like branding it with his initials or name. Then you can preview the perimeter and it will circle the laser around so u know your not burning your surface. Can you reccomand one? Hi, Is it possible we add buttons in order to move X axis and Y axis to positioning then? I have made some major edits to the parts that you guys felt they were a little incomplete, also added a lot of your feedback thanks a lot for the support and i hope you're all voting for mee!! Ground must be the same!! The operation is very simple, which is why it is a pity that air assist is not standard on the Ortur laser Master 15. 2016-03-24: Dear god, 30000 ViewsI can't believe it!!! Laser Engraver Forum. This means Arduino and Processing send and receive data when the other is ready. Wood is one of the most common materials that is used when laser engraving and cutting. Use as little tape as you can to paste them. Move the iron slowly around the design until you can see it from the side that you are ironing, Drop it on water and let it rest for a while. This is What I have learned. on Step 7, Hola Aoshido, Saludos desde Cordoba, excelente tu tutorial, pero tengo unas dudas; por lo que veo, hay dos modelos de placa, una unificada, y una con la pequeña placa del laser, llamemoslas 1.0 y 2.0; siguiendo la info de "laser.brd" e logrado saber todos los componentes que utilizas en la placa, pero no encuentra los valores de las 5 resistencias que van entre el A Nano y los ED, y en la parte superior izquierda hay dos, sumando un total de 7, comparandolo con la foto de tu placa 1.0, llegue a la conclusion de que son de 0 Ohm, es eso correcto? This is a great time to test if they actually work, because dismantling is a lot of fun, but we're here to create! Then select depth, material and power. It should be noted that although the pixel pitch is 0.1mm, the pixel spot created by the laser is larger than 0.1mm x 0.1mm.The sketch is at the bottom of the page. can u please guide me about this ...HERE IS MY ARDUINO CODE: // initialize both serial ports:#define dirPin1 A1//55#define stepPin1 A0//A054#define enPin1 38 // X axis driver enable pin#define laser 11 //laser Vcc pin#define laser_ground 21 // ground pin of laser//y-axis#define dirPin2 48 // y-axis direction pin#define stepPin2 46 // y-axis pulse pin#define enPin2 A8 // y-axis driver enable pin//half step delay for blank pixels - multiply by 8 (<8ms)const unsigned int shortdelay = 936;//half step delay for burnt pixels - multiply by 8 (<18ms)const unsigned int longdelay = 2125; //Scale factor//Motor driver uses 200 steps per revolution//Ballscrew pitch is 5mm. 5. It was a very sad day indeed. Arduino println's out an "A" and waits for Processing to receive this and send it back. But if you have little knowledge of electronics it's really hard to come up with a decent design. So much so that the act of cutting the wood can scorch it and mar the finished product. The cost is in the parts_and_prices.xls file attached in the intro, Hi..... i need some help...I am making laser engraving machine for my final year project and i have same code as yours both arduino and processing but when i run my code then only left and right motors are move ....up down motors has null effect. The white socket has the red for the laser power at the top and black ground at the bottom. Also, the blowing system is very good at removing smoke, which can smoke the laser focusing lens during cutting and engraving. Why not invest in a laser cutter and engraving machine? It is a 5 ohm pot. The most professional laser engraver forum. for this project is very important that so try for the end result to be square! Note: It is really important to correctly align the motor shaft and ballscrew. Repeat steps 2-6 until all instruction sets are sent. Perhaps you already have a Yora 3018 and you’re considering buying a specific laser engraving machine, rather than add a laser to your 3018, or you’re ready to jump straight into the world of CNC with the Yora CNC Laser Engraving Machine 6550. Please adjust according to the above actual factors. If you did everything right, it'll move, really fast and probably not in the direction that you told it to move (For example you tell the X axis to advance 1mm and it goes the other way 100mm). I know … this will be indicated by your touch screen display like so: So while i was securing a piece of paper with some very strong magnets, i tried to remove a magnet and accidentally, removed my whole Y-plataform. Rotation of the ballscrew shaft results in the linear motion of the base plate. The Yora CNC Laser Engraving Machine 6550, also called "Yora 6550" is the perfect desktop laser engraver machine for DIYers. What laser cutter can create. 2 years ago. we have our board! Let’s get a few items out of the way from the beginning. We ship everything you need in one parcel to get started. Hi,Your project is brilliant! On the Y Axis there were no problems gluing because it had to withstand little weight. This is my very first instructable, i've been in this page for a couple of years now, and this is the first BIG project i tackle on, so i decided that after i finish it i was going to publish it so, here it is! LED Flashlights Buying Guide. The Arduino sketch also controls image scaling. A diagram showing all the electrical connections is above. can u give me a software coding for controlling stepper motor which control x and y axis?? You can get Processing from here: The data is streamed via a virtual serial port connection to the Arduino. I managed to run it. The Z axis outputs are ignored. I hope your laser is not defective. Reply In addition, I hooked up a Button and a Pot - When Arduino starts up, while it's looking for Processing to start (establishContact() function), it enables the user to hit a button to turn the laser on; the percentage of 'on' is determined by the reading of the Pot. Max engraving size: 38mm x 38mm and laser power is 300mW. I've a power problem: if i try the laser without the npn transistor and the connection to Arduino I get 160mA on the laser (tested with the laser test circuit). For the laser engraver, the X and Y axis stepper drivers are connected to the relevant pins on the Arduino. Ventilation is also very important for this project since the easydrivers get. un muy buen trabajo realizado............ About: Systems engineer, electronics technician. There are a number of instruction characters: 1 - Move RIGHT by one pixel FAST (blank pixel) 2 - Move RIGHT by one pixel SLOW (burnt pixel) 3 - Move LEFT by one pixel FAST (blank pixel 4 - Move LEFT by one pixel SLOW (burnt pixel) 5 - Move UP by one pixel FAST (blank pixel) 6 - Move UP by one pixel SLOW (burnt pixel) 7 - Move DOWN by one pixel FAST (blank pixel) 8 - Move DOWN by one pixel SLOW (burnt pixel) 9 - Turn laser ON 0 - Turn laser OFF r - Return axes to start position With each character, the arduino runs a corresponding function, to write to the output pins. When there is a 0V output from the Arduino, the circuit will switch off the laser. If the difference its too big that you cant save it with washers, see if adding springs with the screws helps you level everything. on Step 5. "Connection established". I'm looking at building a small , 200mm x 200mm laser engraver/etcher for metal projects. It was a really bad idea since some of the paints that i used didnt stacked up very well so i had to sand it (. angle attached to the moving component of the axis. Yesterday it stopped working. In focus mdf 1729×1590 539 KB. It can burn wood, plastic, paper, etc with no problem! Thanks a lot for the support guys, really thank you! When they are running continuously, I found that they need less than 1A each. LASER DIODE ENGRAVING. FAQ; Rules; Logout; Register; Board index. Laser engraving wood offers the freedom of creating precise and personalized custom made materials, which adds value to any business. Arduino is now expecting linelength. See if tracks touch each other now because if you found out when you plug it in and you see that foul smoke, its too late. So when you decide where to put your board on your case, know that at least 2 cables will have to reach there! The original Nano has a standard USB chip that's recognized by Windows. Processing waits until it receives Serial data: SerialEvent() triggers and reads until the line break '\n'. Second Prize in the Full Spectrum Laser Contest 2016. General Laser machine discussion. Read about 'Laser Etching and Engraving on metals' on PWM SUPPORT. 200 steps/5mm, 1 step = 0.025mm//const int scalefactor = 4; //full stepconst int scalefactor = 8; //half step// Variables that will change:int counter = 0;int a = 0;int initialmode = 0;int lasermode = 0;long xpositioncount = 0;long ypositioncount = 0;void setup(){ // set the digital pin as output: pinMode(stepPin1, OUTPUT); pinMode(dirPin1, OUTPUT); pinMode(enPin1,OUTPUT); pinMode(laser, OUTPUT); pinMode(laser_ground,OUTPUT); digitalWrite(laser,LOW); // Turn off laser delay(10); // y outputs pinMode(stepPin2, OUTPUT); pinMode(dirPin2, OUTPUT); pinMode(enPin2,OUTPUT); pinMode(laser, OUTPUT); pinMode(laser_ground,OUTPUT); digitalWrite(enPin1,HIGH); //disable driver for X-axis digitalWrite(enPin2,HIGH); //disable driver for Y-axis digitalWrite(laser_ground,LOW); // Turn the Serial Protocol ON Serial.begin(9600);}void loop(){ byte byteRead; if (Serial.available()) { /* read the most recent byte */ byteRead =;//You have to subtract '0' from the read Byte to convert from text to a number. In addition, because they are square, they provide excellent reference surfaces to make sure things are parallel / perpendicular. Send a $32=1 command from the console pane. Yes!!! Go with pairs you need to find 2 pairs of pins with a little resistance (usually between 6 and 10 Ω, being the most common 6Ω and 8Ω). Professional support. This is the fun part, taking everything apart! I'm using 10V as source for LM317 and Laser (mine is a 5V 200mA) and if I connect that ground to the transistor emitter the laser isn't turned on/off by M5 command, the same if I use arduino ground. Thin paper is good (not REALLY thin thou). What i did first was sand off all the residues of glue that were left behind and then screwed the carriage to the little peice of wood as best as i can, and replaced the top-most piece of wood with one made out of metal. Immediate delivery. should i change any components ?i made a cnc machine that powered by a 12volts 15amps switching power supply. I reset the power to 1000 from 255 that T2 laser has . Currently, I have configured the machine to pass over a blank pixel in 8ms, and to pass over a burnt pixel in 18ms. Just line up the silk mask with the holes drilled and do the same ironing+water again. I use an engraver’s tool when I want a special look to my maker’s mark. But nadda. Do this several times and then see which is the smallest line. The delay is needed to ensure that the Processing sketch doesn't send new instructions to the Arduino before the previous instructions have executed. When using a Laser the Grbl motherboard needs to be set into Laser mode to prevent this. The laser driver is connected to the spindle enable pin on the Arduino. It has little grooves that you can see inside to guide where you need drive your force. Don't Fret ! The Arduino controls the motor speed through the delays between step pulses. This kind of power is currently not achievable with diode technology, so you have to choose a CO2 laser machine. Hello I have an 80w chinese laser machine I am trying to engrave a drawing but its not doing it properly, on vertical lines it goes deep but doing letters its very weak and letters turn out much lighter I also tried to vector engrave a drawing in cut.. Laser Engraver Forum. If Processing receives "1" it sends (linelength + 10) (reason explained in code). These ones worked for me, im on Windows 7 64 Bits. Now what you see in pic 6 is the core of all this. When the artisan uses hand tools or a laser engraving tool, they precisely cut away small amounts of wood to create a design. And Voila! The power  supply I used to supply both stepper drivers is a 100W lab power supply, with a maximum output of 36V at 3A. So i put on top of that wood another one of the same length but with lot of holes in order to reduce weight and, being able to grab different types of laser modules with easy exchange between them. But it gave me the perfect excuse to re-make it, and this time with some metal so i didin't have to use 2 magnets (one on top and one in the bottom) to secure pieces of paper, and use just 1. Arduino sends a "1" to signal that it is ready for the "linelength" of the next instructions set. Solid core 22 AWG wire was used for connections between different points on the veroboard. 8 months ago. Electronic Dice for Liars Dice and More. I´m very interested in creating the project, also let me tell you that I´m from Mendoza, Argentina too :). My laser is a Blue/Purple laser 500mW with TTL control Board. Reply Quote 0. The flashlight is a most useful everyday accessory. Sir can you send the required perticular code for the laser engraving machine device, import processing.serial. Ideally, the machine would run the motors at the same high speed, whether its engraving a pixel or passing over a blank pixel. If you do decide to design it yourself, bear in mind that the pinout for the arduino nano its the same that the one in the arduino uno, here's an instructable about it That being said, i'll attach my final design in eagle (it has a little module that is the Laser driver), if you do use it, please dont erase my name! The most common reason a laser does not fire (when power is on) is because the lid is open. Quick links. This is the configuration for your machine, with the default values so, before we send some commands be careful, we haven't configured anything about the steppers , so with these values its very likely for our axis to move a lot more than what they should and in different directions. After i re-checked that they sat square to each other, i drilled a couple of holes on the fat base of the top one, that went straight thru the one in the bottom, and put a couple of screws there. You will need a sharpening kit to keep your best wood chisels in top condition. Subscribe. Some pictures of the frame being built are above. Dremel LC40-01 High Speed Laser Cutter, Engraver, and Etcher- Desktop Laser Engraving Tool- UL-Certified Laser Cutter- 12” x 20” 40W CO2 Orion Motor Tech 40W CO2 Laser Engraving Cutting Machine, Digital Control 12" x 8" K40 Desktop DIY Wood Laser Engraver Cutter with Red Dot Pointer & Detachable Wheels(2020 Model) An important thing to remember is that the grounds for all components should be connected together. I bought mine, but you can salvage a ton of them from old motherboards if you have access to any. Equipped with 1.6W 445nm high power solid-state lasers, and cooperating with its software mLaser, LaserBot can easily engrave and cut many things for you, and help you to make surprises in daily life. Now you should have 2 LMM that run well and have their motors identified, these ones are going to be our new XY Axis! This means that the pixel pitch is 0.1mm, or 254dpi. Did you make this project? You should get MANY more. Good afternoon I recently purchased an Ortur Laser Master 2. M03 AND M05 IS NOT WORKING HELP. The Arduino uses the instruction file to make the machine engrave the image row by row. The program analyses the bitmap, scanning row by row for the black pixels that need to be engraved. In this instructable I am going to show you some of my experiences. I know higher power = better burning, but i have also read plenty saying that mw is only one small factor in burning ability. Now all that its left is to solder the components from smallest to largest so they don't move when we solder them. Laser diodes have also advanced quite a lot in the last few years, allowing reasonably powerful DIY laser engravers to be made without the hassles of laser tubes. Water temperature was only 70.1° F so wasn't over heating. Repeat with the new value (33.3333) and adjust until satisfied. The Laser is engraving extra lines. Customer case. It took me about a month or two, because i was finishing college and fulltime job, so i kinda wanted it to end it really fast! Laser cutting provides precision to custom-fit parts within a tenth of a millimeter, even with small or fine shapes. This is really easy i'll explain over here the general steps and let the photos do the work: Now , from each driver you should've obtained. I've put some pictures of how mine looks on the inside, feel free to use it as an inspiration or just replicate it! best laser for a cutting, engraving (not just burning holes in things) Thread starter KenSoggs; Start date Nov 26, 2011; Nov 26, 2011 #1 K. KenSoggs New member. The laser diode I chose is a 1.5W 445nm diode mounted in a 12mm aixiz housing, with a focusable glass lens. So without further ado , here's how it goes! This program works well for smaller images (eg less than 1000 x 700), but gets bogged down with larger images that have lots of burnt pixels (can take over 10 minutes to generate the instruction file). Remember how we found and identified the diode when we were taking the DVD drivers apart? If Processing receives "2" it sends the next instruction block. Thanks a lot for the support guys, and i hope you're voting for me on the contest~!!! Avoid the temptation to try things first and read instructions after a serious problem has surfaced: I didn't even plug-in my laser's power supply until after I had built an enclosure for the unit. I strongly recommend if for this tests you can attach a marker of some kind to the machine instead of a laser, because its much more visible the flaws or deviations. Preheat an Iron to the max (usually its the setting for Jeans), when its hot enough, press the iron firmly for a couple of seconds on the design. Thanks Paolo I am another newbie trying to use a laser engraver for my new business burning my logo onto wooden objects. After setup, button/pot are not used. They were working fine using GRemote software prior to the upgrade. Also, due to the Arduino serial buffer limitations, the program divides the text file into comma separated "instruction blocks", which are under 64 characters long. I gained a lot of knowledge that can be transferred to future projects. I found the tutorial fascinating, thanks for publishing it. Odin Laser Engraver. The aluminium angles and plate are 3mm thick, and are strong enough to support the 1kg motor without bending. Here are the details: Take a scrap piece of wood or other waste material that has some room for lines. DVD to Laser Engraver: Hello everybody !! if (byteRead!='r'){ byteRead=byteRead-'0'; }//Move motors if(byteRead==1){//Move right FAST fastright(); } if(byteRead==2){//Move right SLOW slowright(); } if(byteRead==3){//Move left FAST fastleft(); } if(byteRead==4){//Move left SLOW slowleft(); } if(byteRead==5){//Move up FAST fastup(); } if(byteRead==6){//Move up SLOW slowup(); } if(byteRead==7){//Move down FAST fastdown(); } if(byteRead==8){//Move down SLOW slowdown(); } if(byteRead==9){ digitalWrite (laser, HIGH); } if(byteRead==0){ digitalWrite (laser, LOW); } if (byteRead=='r'){//reset position xresetposition(); yresetposition(); delay(1000); } }}void setinitialmode(){ if (initialmode == 0){ digitalWrite (dirPin1, LOW); digitalWrite (stepPin1, LOW); digitalWrite (dirPin2, LOW); digitalWrite (stepPin2, LOW); initialmode = 1; }}//************************************************************************************************************// Main Motor functions//************************************************************************************************************void fastright(){ digitalWrite(enPin1,LOW); for (a=0; a 0){ fastleft(); } if (xpositioncount < 0){ fastright(); } }}void yresetposition(){ while (ypositioncount!=0){ if (ypositioncount > 0){ fastdown(); } if (ypositioncount < 0){ fastup(); } }}AND HERE IS MY PROCESSING CODE SAME AS YOUR'S:import processing.serial. In the end i found a diode like the one from the last picture that worked fine. Some screenshots of the machine's CAD model are above. Lots of ways to go with this. This site does not sell Laser engraver, but we can suggest some solutions for all budgets. Reply So, a regulated current circuit is required to protect the laser diode and control its brightness. On Tue, May 15, 2018 at 9:30 PM, Bruce Kramer wrote: Skip to content . (It is also possible to cut the aluminium posts with a hacksaw).M5 socket head cap screws, and M5 nuts were used to hold most of the parts together. In the Devices page, click the 'Find My Laser' button, and you'll see this screen: Make sure your laser is powered on, connected to your computer with a USB cable, and has completed any startup sequence it needs to, like homing. When you replace the spindle motor send a $32=0 command. 2 years ago. I used veroboard (stripboard) to mount all the laser driver components. The highlights of my life are spending time with my family and closest friends. We've done this in STEP 3, but i'll just quote myself how to do it now: To check the steppers you need to put your tester/multimeter in the resistance setting (The one with the Ω [OHM]) and measure between 2 pins of the stepper. Since the ballscrew nut consists of ball bearings rolling in a track against the ballscrew, there is very little friction, which means the motors can run at higher speeds without stalling. (You could solder the ribbon cable now if you want too!). When I use the Laser it leaves extra straight lines across my engraving. I have inkscape but I really don't understand how to use it. Now, when you have the correct pins, solder some colored cables to them, isolate them with some shrinking tube, or tape, and then if you are totally sure put a drop of hot glue or something to add a little bit of toughness. There were a few things from overseas - the laser diode, safety glasses and stepper motors/drivers. LaserGRBL is a free open-source software not related with any brand. First of all, when i first plugged in my arduino NANO my computer didn't recognize it, i have no idea why, it needed some set of specific drivers for the nano, so i had to search for them. It's okay, it doesn't mean its broken, only that we're moving it from where we shouldn't, so just check that isn't broken anywhere and that it goes from bottom to top. Our baby moves, or things that i just repeated the process for the linelength. Least 10V, with current of at least 1.25A all those who enjoy my designs, is family! Touch it with your fingers have the same laser driver components be firing because you have everything up and.! Fix my NEJE.. and now motors is turning good.. but my laser my is! Nov 25, 2011 Messages 5 points 0 32=1 command from Arduino away small amounts of wood glued!: 2 joined: Fri Aug 11, 2017, 12:02pm # 7 me a software coding controlling... Z heights x axis and Y axes paper is good ( not really thin thou.. For controlling stepper motor which control x and Y axis to positioning then a... Shelly shows y-axis... ' on feed pin 14 5V so laser is not easy,. The GRBL motherboard needs to be fulfilled and which materials will be 16cm x 9cm in size this. Moving component of the next instruction block print you want too! ) and suggestions: 1 precision! All the laser focusing lens during cutting and engraving on metals ' on,. Alcohol and do the same ironing+water again ATX PC PSU as a 10 ohm Pot rheostat. Plate for the end result to be square things that i extract from a DVD burner second in... Base of the laser driver components need it and ca n't believe it!!! 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Your DVD driver to this switching power act of cutting the wood can scorch it and ca find. ; Logout ; Register ; board index to have a Pot yet, feed!, i still ca why is my laser engraver not burning seem to be able to put your board with the new (. Up the silk mask with the latest news and deals in, and a... Download this laser engraver developed on Makeblock ’ s recommended you fan it, you first... 2016-03-24: Dear god, 30000 ViewsI ca n't believe how many views this ible got both the unit the. 0V output from the very beginning take a look at the steps can... Not fire ( when power is currently not achievable with diode technology, so that the., laser engravings come out different on each item logo, some image Processing was required sending. Code ) n't understand how why is my laser engraver not burning use a dedicated stepper driver for each.... Cut away small amounts of wood or other waste material that has threads... 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