This pattern may have been facilitated by modularity between the face and braincase such that frontal bone evolution is a correlated response to selection on the face via integration of the anterior frontal bone and face. The slopes for the occipital and frontal bones are β = 0.97 (R2 = 0.65) and β = 0.59 (R2 = 0.50), respectively, for H. erectus (electronic supplementary material, figure S3). The first 3 million years of this timeline concern Sahelanthropus, the following 2 million concern Australopithecus and the final … O and F indicate inclusion only in the occipital bone or frontal bone analysis, respectively. East and Southeast Asian groups from China and Java, respectively, are typically viewed as the product of a single migration event (but see [25]). The SEV is equivalent to the sum of all trait variances and is used here to measure intraspecific shape variation. Australopithecus Africanus are the first of early ape species classified as hominids. Therefore, the Ackerman–Cheverud (A–C) test was used to evaluate whether divergence among populations (B) is proportional to within-population variation (P) across multiple dimensions [49]. By continuing to browse But definitive evidence for their place in the human family tree is still missing, due in large part to a dearth of fossils and genetic evidence. Discover more. Figure 2. A slope less than 1.0 implies stabilizing selection in directions of high within-population variance and/or directional selection in directions of limited within-population variance. genetic drift) in human evolution than previously thought [49–51], but also support for selection in the evolution of the hominin face and postcranial skeleton [52,53]. genetic drift, gene flow) in shaping cranial variation. All rights reserved. The four Asian palaeodemes (EAS, ESA, LSA-N, LSA-S) showed greater affinity in their frontal bone shape and there was greater variation between the oldest palaeodemes (WAS and EAF) (electronic supplementary material, figure S1b). Hominids are believed to be an evolution of catarrhines (a primate parvord with the nose down), and is made up of four genera and seven species. Convex hulls encompass individual variation for H. erectus palaeodemes and H. sapiens populations and outlined circles are the centroids of each group. References. Neutral evolution cannot be rejected for the occipital bone, but selection is implicated in the evolution of frontal bone shape for H. erectus s.l. Homo erectus is the first hominin species with a truly cosmopolitan distribution and resembles recent humans in its broad spatial distribution. The microevolutionary events associated with dispersal and local adaptation may have produced similar population structure in both species. Three-dimensional landmarks and semilandmarks acquired from the occipital and frontal bones (see figure 1 and electronic supplementary material, Supplemental Methods) in H. erectus and recent H. sapiens are the raw data used in subsequent analyses. Abbreviations as follows: D: Dmanisi; ER: East Rudolf; Zkd: Zhoukoudian; S: Sangiran; Sm: Sambungmacan; Ng: Ngandong. (Online version in colour.). The hypotheses were assessed separately for the frontal and occipital bones both to maximal fossil sample sizes and to assess mosaic cranial evolution. Ordination of the first two principal components of individual variation in (a) occipital and (b) frontal bone shape for geographically comparable samples of Homo erectus and Homo sapiens. Humans did not evolve from an ape - we are apes, and our closest living relatives include chimpanzees and gorillas. The results highlight distinct evolutionary histories for the frontal and occipital bones in H. erectus. Under a pure drift model, the regression coefficient (β) is expected to be 1, and deviations from this expectation can indicate non-random processes. Intraspecific variation in H. erectus (red dashed line) compared to resampled values for recent H. sapiens using a histogram with a probability density curve for (c) occipital and (d) frontal bone shape. The pattern of intraspecific variation in H. erectus differed for the two bones. Within mammals, habitual bipedalism has evolved multiple times, with the macropods, kangaroo rats and mice, springhare, hopping mice, pangolins and hominin apes (australopithecines and humans) as well as various other extinct groups evolving the trait independently.In the Triassic period some groups of … The between-group variation was 50% higher for the occipital bone in H. erectus and the H. erectus value exceeded 99% of the recent H. sapiens values. Chronology of Homo erectus from west to east: East Africa, West Asia, Southeast and East Asia. Higher population differentiation variation in H. erectus is consistent with a hypothesis of neutral evolution for both species due to the greater time depth in H. erectus (Prediction 2), but is insufficiently nuanced to rule out other microevolutionary processes, such as reduced gene flow among populations or stronger local adaptation H. erectus [15,23,25–30]. Most workers view these spatial and temporal variations as population- or subspecies- rather than species-level phenomena [13,23,26,36,37] (but see [38–41]). 2009;106(34):14241–6. Published by the Royal Society. Your email address is used to log in and will not be shared or sold. Human evolution took place as new genetic variations in early ancestor populations favored new abilities to adapt to environmental change and so altered the human way of life. Landmarks are indicated by larger spheres than semilandmarks. A previous study of human craniometrics suggested that approximately 50 individuals was necessary to ensure the stability of the P matrix estimations [84] using a similar number of variables—14—as this study (16–17 PCs for the A–C test). We challenge the view that our species, Homo sapiens, evolved within a single population and/or region of Africa. Chronology of Homo erectus from west to east: East Africa, West Asia, Southeast and East Asia. Figure 1. This contrasts with the primarily neutral signal revealed for the occipital bone, implying distinct evolutionary trajectories for two bones. Dr. Rick Potts provides a video short introduction to some of the evidence for human evolution, in the form of fossils and artifacts. Small fossil samples introduce uncertainty into estimates of palaeodeme averages, but relatively strong morphological homogeneity within palaeodemes [15] suggests that we are sampling near the group centroids in most cases. This is supported by the stronger signal of natural selection in frontal bone diversification among populations compared to the occipital bone, but also the discordant patterns of shape differentiation among demes for these two bones (electronic supplementary material, figure S1). If the latter two groups split prior to 500–700 ka [1–3], then this postdates the vast majority of fossils assigned to the other candidate for this position, Homo heidelbergensis s.l. In total, 145 recent H. sapiens from three populations with n ∼ 50 each were used to calculate the pooled within-population covariance matrices that were used as proxies for H. erectus in testing Prediction 3 (electronic supplementary material, table S3). The A–C test is a relatively conservative test and its power is reduced when dealing with a small number of groups, so any significant results are likely to be meaningful [49]. Language is a unique hallmark of the human species. Additional hominin fossils from the crucial time period of 4-3 million years ago must be discovered to conclusively determine the place of platyops in our evolution. The sum of eigenvalues (SEV) was calculated from both the original H. erectus sample and the 1000 H. sapiens samples to test Prediction 1. H. antecessor, which lived from just over a million to around 800,000 years ago in Africa and Europe, was actually a sister lineage to our own, closely related but not our ancestor. This prediction follows from the observation that intraspecific cranial variation is correlated with neutral genetic variation across hominoids, including H. sapiens [54], indicating an important role for population history (e.g. This H. erectus value was compared to the empirical distribution of 1000 estimates of between-population variation for humans to determine the probability that the H. erectus value exceeded that of H. sapiens. While placed in the Homo genus, they have not yet been given a species classification as no physical description exists. Recent H. sapiens, in contrast, exhibited a consistently neutral pattern of between-population divergence in the shape of both bones in agreement with previous studies arguing that the human cranium preserves a strong population history signal [95,96]. On that new continent, they eventually met Neanderthals and Denisovans, which, like two hobbit-size Homo species found on southeast Asian islands, are thought to be the evolutionary products of earlier hominin migrations out of the continent. From there, populations of African H. erectus dispersed east into Asia, a migration that included the ephemeral occupation of W. Asia (Caucasus) and southern China by 1.8 Ma [17–21] (but see [22–24]). The shape vectors representing pmax and the direction of maximal between-deme variation in H. erectus are moderately aligned for occipital shape (angle = 51.9°; Pearson's r = 0.60), but more orthogonal for frontal bone shape (angle = 75.0°; Pearson's r = 0.22). I appreciate the various institutions and individuals that provided access to fossil and comparative materials, including Bandung Institute of Technology, Geological Museum (Bandung), Gada Madjah University, Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI), National Museum of Kenya, Senckenberg Museum, American Museum of Natural History, Natural History Museum (London), Duckworth Laboratory (Cambridge University), Iwan Kurniawan, Yahdi Zaim and Yousuke Kaifu. The Paleolithic preceded the Middle Stone Age, or Mesolithic Period; this nomenclature sometimes causes … Discover more. The evolution of Homo sapiens, its ancestors, and closely related species from the last common ancestor with chimpanzees onward (~7 million years ago to present). This conjecture finds some support in the generally conserved nature of the G matrix within Homo [89,90], although some minor differences in integration between archaic and modern Homo have been documented [89,91]. Prediction 1: H. erectus exhibits a similar magnitude of intraspecific cranial variation as recent H. sapiens. All Homo erectus and the three recent human populations used to calculate the pooled within-population covariance matrix were projected on to these axes. These same population history events left an imprint on the species' cranial phenotype [5,10–12]. That leaves another species, H. heidelbergensis, the most likely candidate for our direct ancestor. All Homo erectus and the three recent human populations used to calculate the pooled within-population covariance matrix were projected on to these axes. (but not when H. erectus is restricted to only the Asian lineages). Colours for H. erectus are as in figure 2; the grey represents the three human populations. Behavioral and environmental background to ‘Out of Africa I’ and the arrival of, An Asian perspective on early human dispersal from Africa, Dental remains from Dmanisi (Republic of Georgia): morphological analysis and comparative study, The taxonomic implications of cranial shape variation in, Co-occurrence of Acheulian and Oldowan artifacts with, Evolutionary significance of cranial variation in Asian, The relation of Sinanthropus pekinensis to Pithecanthropus, Javanthropus and Rhodesian Man, Regional continuity in Australasian Pleistocene hominid evolution, Anatomical descriptions, comparative studies and evolutionary significance of the hominin skulls from Dmanisi, Republic of Georgia, Taxonomy and evolutionary relationships of, An approach to the taxonomy of the Hominidae: gracile Villafranchian hominids of Africa, Decouverte d'un nouvel hominide a Dmanissi (Transcaucasie, Georgie), An alternative interpretation of the characters used to define, Taxonomic affinities and evolutionary history of the early Pleistocene hominids of Java: dentognathic evidence, A mandible from the Middle Pleistocene Hexian site and its significance in relation to the variability of Asian, Detecting genetic drift versus selection in human evolution. Between-deme variation in H. erectus was calculated using SEV calculated from the covariance matrix of palaeodeme averages. The first hominin species, a line that eventually leads to humans, may have emerged in Europe 7.2 million years ago and not Africa—the most widely accepted starting point for our ancestors. Anthropologists still don’t know what species humans evolved from. The Denisovans are the first ancient hominin species revealed by genes alone, not by fossil classification. This evolutionary analysis is designed to provide a basic account of the evolution of language in our species. The tests of neutral evolution provide some clarity. Get unlimited access when you subscribe. Stratified resampling without replacement was applied to the geographically matched H. sapiens sample to produce 1000 samples of the same size (n = 23 for occipital bone and n = 27 for frontal bone) and population composition as the H. erectus sample (electronic supplementary material, Supplemental Methods). Cranial capacity greater than Australopithecus but less than Homo sapiens 750–1225 cc, … genetic drift) given the greater time since divergence among H. erectus populations [55]. Key H. erectus cranial fossils are labelled, with bold signifying those included in the current study. H. erectus was an extraordinarily successful species, looking more like modern humans in many ways than its forebears and migrating out of Africa into Eurasia. The current study provides novel insights into relative genetic diversity and the microevolutionary processes that accompanied population differentiation of H. erectus by applying methods grounded in population history theory to 27 H. erectus cranial fossils and a comparative sample of approximately 300 recent H. sapiens individuals. The current study examined population history signals in the frontal and occipital bone for two species, H. erectus and recent H. sapiens. Prediction 3: neutral evolutionary processes (e.g. Less than a quarter of the total variation in occipital and frontal shape is concentrated onto their respective pmax vectors. However, there are long-standing debates surrounding the alpha taxonomy of H. erectus (reviewed in [26,42]). Yet, quantitative genetic tests reveal distinct evolutionary histories for these species. Save up to 70% off the cover price when you subscribe to Discover magazine. (Online version in colour. Populations are predicted to diverge primarily along pmax if their differentiation occurred via neutral evolutionary processes [85–87]. How did hominids change as they evolved? Abbreviations as in table 1 or as follows: OH: Olduvai Hominid; BSN: Busidima North; DAN: Dana Aoule North. Between-population variation in H. erectus (red dashed line) compared to resampled values for recent H. sapiens using a histogram with a probability density curve for (g) occipital and (h) frontal bone shape. )Download figureOpen in new tabDownload powerPoint, Figure 3. At the extremes, there are small minorities of workers that advocate subsuming several early Homo species, including H. erectus, into a single species [19] or splitting the traditional H. erectus sample into many distinct species [43]. The question mark indicates some uncertainty regarding the attribution of Daka (BOU-VP-2/66) to H. erectus. Frontal bone morphology, and particularly the form of the browridge, reflects the integration of the neural and bony structures of the upper face and anterior neurocranium [102,103]. This hypothesis is an oversimplification; the details of population size, gene flow, genetic drift, mutation and selection certainly varied between the species. Some scientists subscribe to the theory of species mate recognition, in which members of the same species “recognize” one another as mates through courtship rituals, breeding seasons, or protein compatibility. The primary axes of variation for frontal and occipital shape separated the two species (H. erectus and H. sapiens) (figure 2a,b). Both of these tests evaluate an average signal which may mask some episodes of adaptive evolution. Quantitative genetics is concerned with the evolution of complex traits, including phenotypic traits determined by polygenic inheritance, such as cranial shape. Want it all? Abbreviations as in table 1 or as follows: OH: Olduvai Hominid; BSN: Busidima North; DAN: Dana Aoule North. This study also revealed distinct evolutionary histories for frontal and occipital bone shape in H. erectus, with a larger role for natural selection in the former. The timeline of human evolution outlines the major events in the evolutionary lineage of the modern human species, Homo sapiens, throughout the history of life, beginning some 4.2 billion years ago down to recent evolution within H. sapiens during and since the Last Glacial Period.. The first PC (horizontal axis) corresponds to the direction of greatest within-population variation (or the line of least evolutionary resistance) (pmax). The current study assesses the hypothesis that similar, primarily neutral, microevolutionary factors related to shared evolutionary history shaped cranial morphology in H. erectus and recent H. sapiens. The evolution of human intelligence is closely tied to the evolution of the human brain and to the origin of language.The timeline of human evolution spans approximately 9 million years, from the separation of the genus Pan until the emergence of behavioral modernity by 50,000 years ago. However, analysis of endocranial dimensions across African, Chinese and Indonesian H. erectus was unable to identify regional differences in brain shape [44], making this an unlikely explanation. Were neandertal and modern human cranial differences produced by natural selection or genetic drift? For the current study, cranial fossils were sorted into six major palaeodemes from sites across Africa and Asia spanning 1.8–0.1 Ma. Statistical models grounded in population history theory provide a powerful set of tools to detect past signals of microevolutionary processes that figure prominently in these population history scenarios. If you are a Zinio, Nook, Kindle, Apple, or Google Play subscriber, you can enter your website access code to gain subscriber access. (Online version in colour. Human evolution - Human evolution - Reduction in tooth size: The combined effects of improved cutting, pounding, and grinding tools and techniques and the use of fire for cooking surely contributed to a documented reduction in the size of hominin jaws and teeth over the past 2.5 to 5 million years, but it is impossible to relate them precisely. Homo sapiens therefore serves as a useful model for thinking about H. erectus population history. # Human evolution: the state of the evidence In the early 1950s, with Piltdown unmasked, and the correct interpretation of Dart’s Australopithecus africanus and Dubois’ Pithecanthropus (Homo) erectus now accepted by the scientific community. The origin of the genus Homo in Africa signals the beginning of the shift from increasingly bipedal apes to primitive, large-brained, stone tool-making, meat-eaters that traveled far and wide. Next, we’ll summarize the current state of the evidence as it pertains to hominin evolution, and place the origins of our own species in that context. Many scenarios imply periods of regional isolation that facilitated in situ phyletic transformation through genetic drift and/or environmental adaptation but with sufficient gene flow to maintain species cohesion [15,23,25–34]. If the address matches an existing account you will receive an email with instructions to reset your password. Homo erectus shares with H. sapiens some key features of evolutionary history, including migration out of Africa to occupy a range of more seasonal and temperate habitats across Eurasia and Asia. I thank Monica Castro for help with data processing. First, the centroids of all six H. erectus palaeodemes (and all six H. sapiens populations) were projected onto those PCs calculated from the pooled within-population covariance matrix of recent H. sapiens accounting for greater than or equal to 1% of the variation. But what bridged H. erectus and our own species is unclear. Dispersal and colonisation, long and short chronologies: how continuous is the Early Pleistocene record for hominids outside East Africa? Abbreviations for labelled fossils are from table 1. (Online version in colour. Origin of hominids . Indeed, tests of neutral evolution revealed a role for natural selection in frontal bone diversification among H. erectus, but not H. sapiens populations. The evidence for selection on the frontal bone is contingent on the underlying taxonomy and applies only to the broader definition of H. erectus which includes Asian, African and Eurasian groups, but not to a more restrictive, Asian-only definition of H. erectus. Directional selection in modern human cranial shape, and particularly facial shape, is typically linked to very cold climates or a change in diet [96–101]. Next, the natural logarithm of between-deme (or -population) variance on each PC was regressed of the natural logarithm of within-population variance [49]. It has not been uncommon, for example, to identify a taxon of living mammals which face challenges similar to those faced Sign up for our email newsletter for the latest science news. Centroids for H. erectus palaeodemes and H. sapiens populations were calculated using the same samples described above (electronic supplementary material, table S3), again using resampling to generate H. sapiens samples of equal size as the H. erectus demes. This early part of the human genus is represented by three species: H. habilis, H. rudolfensis, and H. erectus. (2) Did the onset of modern human life history coincide with the appearance of larger-bodied hominins with a … Article CAS … Laboring for Science, Laboring for Souls: Obstacles and Approaches to Teaching and Learning Evolution in the Southeastern United States; Public Event : Religious Audiences and the Topic of Evolution: Lessons from the Classroom (video) Evolution and the Anthropocene: Science, Religion, and the Human Future This is a conservative test as pmax (PC 1) is likely to be conserved across species to a greater extent than more minor PC axes. Inset: landmarks and semilandmarks from the frontal bone (yellow) and occipital bone (green) superimposed on the Sambungmacan 3 crania. Individual variation for H. erectus are as in table 1 or as follows::. Is designed to provide a means of interrogating aspects of long-standing H. erectus cranial fossils are labelled, with signifying... The attribution of Daka ( BOU-VP-2/66 ) to H. erectus was calculated using calculated! 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