La moribunda mujer quería permanecer con su familia durante sus últimos días. Please Login Here. con todo lo que estaba pasando era difícil acordar una cita; with the approach of winter, trade began to fall off, al acercarse el invierno, el comercio empezó a declinar, the risk of developing heart disease increases with the number of cigarettes smoked, el riesgo de sufrir enfermedades coronarias aumenta con el número de cigarrillos que se fume, I've been with this company for eight years, afortunadamente, llevaba (encima) un paraguas, with all his intelligence, he still doesn't understand, Collins Complete Spanish Electronic Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers 2011. √ 100% FREE. Easy to use and free online, YourDictionary provides handy printable study guides, checklists and worksheets for all your Spanish language needs. The army's approach to combat allied military strength and cunning. If you want to study more, click here and get the best resources to learn in the most efficient way. Band the stalks of the flowers you want to buy. Get with it, Gloria! The suspect was armed with several firearms. Translate with into Spanish. With that, he closed the door, estuve una semana en (la) cama con la gripe, lo mismo ocurre con la mayoría de los deportes de equipo, We're not like them. Algunos veganos están en guerra con los que comen carne. This way you can practice your listening as you read the texts. Mindy balanced her long hours at work with a visit to the spa. By agreeing with the decision to move forward with the plans, I unknowingly aligned myself with Anthony. A mi madre le gusta adornar la casa con flores. Actúa con firmeza, con aparente autoridad. As you can see, our texts are classified by levels, so you can choose the most appropriate level for your knowledge of Spanish. Todos coincidimos con Juan sobre el color de las sillas nuevas. A pesar de todos sus problemas, sigue siendo optimista. Learn more in the Cambridge English-Spanish Dictionary. Of or relating to the Spanish language. Craig aligned the banister with the adjacent kitchen counter. Shannon alternated with Joan as pitcher in the big game. Nowadays every day is a potential Bramley apple day, you can't speak to the queen with your hat on, no se puede hablar con la reina con el sombrero puesto, Take my gloves off, I can't drive with them on, only people with good incomes can afford such holidays, ... and with these words of advice, he left us, I found the street I was looking for with no trouble at all, "Call me if you need me." Brenda reluctantly allied with her former enemy to solve the problem. Today, it is a global language with nearly 500 million native speakers, mainly in Spain and the Americas. Get with it! Opr. Una vez que Mark hubo presentado el programa de computadora a su asistente, ella pudo empezar a trabajar sola. La relación de Robert y Hannah está acabada. They look similar and taste similar, but Latin Spanish and Castilian Spanish each have their own quirks.. One … The plaza was alive with all sorts of performers and the people who came to watch. El abogado quería asociarse a una firma extranjera. The crowd responded to her speech with shouts of "We're with you, Amelia! Accurate. The scientists amalgamated the metal with mercury. Thursday, 21 January 2021. ¿Todavía te mantienes en contacto con tus compañeros del colegio? Está saliendo con su novio actual desde hace casi un año. We left all those matters with the hotel staff. Me sale sarpullido si mi piel toca el níquel durante mucho tiempo. Vicky fue al club nocturno, junto con su amiga Cheryl. In the spanish press forum, you will find information on the Bosch Group and current press releases (in Spanish). La comida muy condimentada no me sienta bien. Consider this you own visual Spanish phrasebook. For many people, Christmas is associated with gifts and shopping. La moribunda mujer quería estar en compañía de su familia durante sus últimos días. Robin Whitlock. La moribunda mujer quería estar con su familia durante sus últimos días. Al aceptar la decisión de seguir adelante con los planes, sin darme cuenta me alineé con Anthony. El ataque lo perpretó una persona que alegó estar afiliada a un grupo terrorista conocido. I think she's held up great with all she's been through! Los estudiantes deben contar los costos de alojamiento sumados a los de matrícula. An acquaintance with modern history would be useful for those wishing to take this course of study. He banded the package with a thick string. The hotel cellars were abounding with vermin. It's different with us, with so many courses available, there is no excuse for not getting some kind of training, I couldn't see him with so many people there, with the price of petrol these days, driving is becoming a luxury, with the elections coming up, politics has begun to dominate every conversation, with so much happening it was difficult to arrange a date. Students need to budget for accommodation, along with the cost of tuition. Las calles estaban atiborradas de personas intentando obtener una visión de la reina. 1. The streets were awash with people trying to get a glimpse of the Queen. Online Spanish Courses since 2005. ¡Creo que lo llevó genial con todo lo que le pasó! To help bring a little Spanish excitement into your kitchen, here are the top 10 Spanish foods, along with … ¿Has estado en contacto con ella últimamente? with the Alcántara it is the biggest ship in, junto con el Alcántara es el mayor buque de esa clase, fue detenido junto con otros cuatro terroristas, As far as that's concerned, I'm with you all the way, it's a problem that will always be with us. Get relevant English-Spanish translations in context with real-life examples for millions of words and expressions, using our natural language search engine applied on bilingual big data. Lightsource bp, through its partnership with global developer of PV projects RIC Energy, has acquired a 1.06 gigawatt (GW) project portfolio distributed across Spain. El comportamiento de Crosby se ajusta a la cultura del grupo. I'm annoyed at my brother for leaving the room in such a mess. Note: when the [with] description pinpoints the particular person or thing you are talking about, [with] is usually translated by [de]: Hover on a tile to learn new words with the same root. Mi tío lleva casi 40 años trabajando en la NASA. As compared with American English, British English seems more formal. Translation for 'with' in the free English-Spanish dictionary and many other Spanish translations. With all her troubles, she remains optimistic. Aunque trabajan en ámbitos similares, Charlie no está relacionado con Bob. Las calles estaban inundadas de personas intentando obtener una visión de la reina. Mindy compensó las largas horas que pasó en el trabajo con una visita al spa. I develop a rash if my skin is in contact with nickel for too long. √ Over 1,500,000 translations. The dying woman wanted to be with her family in her last days. En francés el adjetivo debe concordar con el sustantivo. My friend always argues about money with her husband. For a quick overview of these basic Spanish phrases, check out the cheatsheet below. Una familiaridad con la historia moderna será útil para aquellos que deseen tomar este curso. El dueño está tratando de no asociar la compañía con ningún partido político. She gave her sister a birthday party, with cake, ice cream, and all that goes with it. Spanish word for with, including example sentences in both English and Spanish. Traducir with de Inglés a español. Ihr Wörterbuch im Internet für Spanisch-Deutsch Übersetzungen, mit Forum, Vokabeltrainer und Sprachkursen. Shannon se alterna con Joan como lanzadora en el gran partido. Las películas de este director están repletas de violencia. Easy. No one has claimed sex equals reproduction for at least thirty years. n. 1. The child is with his uncle while his parents are on holiday. The world's most popular Spanish translation website. My mother likes to adorn the house with flowers. Videos with text: Common Spanish Phrases Cheatsheet. Of or relating to Spain or its people or culture. Dad thinks he's down with the kids; it's so embarrassing! From hearty stews to light bites, there is something to satisfy every palate in this vibrant country. But Spanish cooking is a whole lot more than delicious tapas. Me sale sarpullido si mi piel está en contacto con níquel durante mucho tiempo. The lawyer wanted to affiliate with a foreign firm. Brenda se alió a regañadientes con su antiguo enemigo para resolver el problema. Texts for all levels with audio: All spanish students need to read to be able to learn and improve. Plus Spanish slang and Spanish TV. Report an error or suggest an improvement. Here's what's included: SpanishDict is the world's most popular Spanish-English dictionary, translation, and learning website. Have you been in touch with her recently? The temperature varies with wind speed and direction. We all agreed with Jack about the colour of the new chairs. Dejamos esas cosas en manos del personal del hotel. Las calles estaban atestadas de personas intentando obtener una visión de la reina. Aterra el fuego con arena antes de entrar en la tienda de campaña. Mientras can translate "as" when "as" is used to indicate that actions are taking place simultaneously. Spain became the first country in Western Europe to surpass 1 million coronavirus infections, as authorities struggle to control fresh outbreaks and contemplate a … Help WordReference: Ask in the forums yourself. Adam has accessorized his home with antique lamps, mirrors and rugs. adj. Encinta los tallos de las flores que deseas comprar. Estoy enojado con mi hermano por dejar la habitación hecha un lío. Harry, I believe you are acquainted with Miss Forbes? She worked with communities to improve local services. Bank the fire with sand before you go into your tent. I am angry with my sister for taking my book. For some reason, I associate Max with peanut butter. In French the adjective must agree with the noun. She is not associated with the college so you cannot have her as your advisor. La temperatura varía según la velocidad y dirección del viento. Esta oración no es una traducción de la original. Learn how to speak Spanish with lessons, courses, audio, video and games, including the alphabet, phrases, vocabulary, pronunciation, grammar, activities and tests. Natürlich auch als App. Over 1 million words and phrases. Con todos sus problemas, sigue siendo optimista. Menos mal que esa terrible experiencia está terminada. She's been with her current boyfriend for nearly a year. Por algún motivo, relaciono a Max con la mantequilla de cacahuete. He ate with a fork. The Church has often been openly at war with Marxism. es un problema que siempre nos va a afectar; the daisy necklace she wears is more with it. Audiences in Ancient Greece were acquainted with the idea of a hero having a tragic flaw. This director's films are awash with violence. My uncle has been working with NASA for nearly 40 years. Is something important missing? El sospechoso estaba armado con varias armas de fuego. ", Discussions about 'with' in the English Only forum, ⓘ One or more forum threads is an exact match of your searched term, a las mujeres no se les pega ni con el pétalo de una rosa, 'contact us at (email here) with any questions or concerns, “He would have been more careful with it if he knew it was so fragile", 18 schools with poor access to safe water ....were identified. Some militant vegans are at war with meat eaters. Como is a common Spanish translation for "as," although are situations in which it can't be used. Lightsource bp strengthens presence in Spain with 1GW partnership with RIC Energy. 2. Note that whenever it combines with mí, ti or sí the forms conmigo, contigo, consigo are used. En comparación con el americano, el inglés británico resulta más formal. Copyright © 2021 Spanish With Paul | Privacy Policy | Terms and Conditions | ContactPrivacy Policy | Terms and Conditions | Contact info)) is a Romance language that originated in the Iberian Peninsula of Europe. El niño está con su tío mientras sus padres están de vacaciones. Okay maybe I’m exaggerating, we’ll say more like lemons and limes. Press. He ran through the door.). La marea varía con la posición y la órbita de la luna. Learn how to say with in Spanish with audio of a native Spanish speaker. We persuaded a neighbour with a large van to assist us with our move. La estantería está perfectamente alineada con la repisa de la chimenea. Make sure your behavior accords with the company's code of conduct. John está en la IBM, es director de marketing. ‎Learn Spanish With Pablo: language lessons for beginners and intermediate speakers by native speaker. But make sure you read the rest of the post though for details on the pronunciation of these Spanish phrases, including audio for the tricky words and sounds. with translate: con, con, con, con, de, de, con, a, con, con, con, con, con, por, con, en, con, con, con, con…. √ Fast and Easy to use. The two companies will work together to develop the 14 sites across Madrid, Andalucía, … Spanish: acorde - coherente - en estricto apego a - en relación con. WordReference English-Spanish Dictionary © 2021: Forum discussions with the word(s) "with" in the title: In other languages: French | Italian | Portuguese | Romanian | German | Dutch | Swedish | Russian | Polish | Czech | Greek | Turkish | Chinese | Japanese | Korean | Arabic. Las calles estaban abarrotadas de personas intentando obtener una visión de la reina. El científico aleó estaño y cobre para hacer bronce. Online-Events sind eine tolle Gelegenheit, um Spaß zu haben und Neues zu lernen. Although they work in similar fields, Charlie is not associated with Bob. Google's free service instantly translates words, phrases, and web pages between English and over 100 other languages. Tu opinión no se corresponde con los hechos. a 1999 model with 28 million impressions... A big stock to deal with your orders immediately, A birthday wish for the perfect day is made with love, A blood bank with vampires planted in the foundations, a boy forced to live with the mistrust and fear of others. with - Translation to Spanish, pronunciation, and forum discussions. Meaning and examples for 'with' in Spanish-English dictionary. John is with IBM, where he is a marketing director. Free. Mr. Ellis has been at war with his neighbour Mr Barker about the state of his garden. with translations: con, con, con, con, de, de, con, a, con, con, de, con, con, de, a, con, abajo/arriba el…. (enthusiastically dismissed from your job). No quiero que te juntes con él; no es bueno para ti. Spanish synonyms, Spanish pronunciation, Spanish translation, English dictionary definition of Spanish. The commonest translation of with is con. The owner has been trying not to affiliate the company with any political parties. Para mucha gente, la navidad está relacionada con los regalos y las compras. The scientist alloyed tin with copper to make bronze. I don't want you to associate with him; he's not good for you. See Google Translate's machine translation of 'with'. She shivered with cold when she went outside. La policía acosó con preguntas al niño sobre lo que había presenciado. Spanish learners can expand their vocabularies with audio pronunciations, sentence examples, verb conjugations, translations and definitions. Te recomiendo este texto básico, es ideal para familiarizarse con el tema. Como sucede con cualquier regla gramatical, hay un montón de excepciones. Consulte el foro de pr ens a español y ac ced a a i nf ormaciones y artículos sobre e l grupo Bo sch en España . The bookshelf aligns perfectly with the mantel. Crosby's behavior aligns with the culture of the group. Inglaterra había estado en guerra con Francia desde 1803. The tide varies with the Moon's position in its orbit. La temperatura varía con la velocidad y dirección del viento. Copyright © 2006 Harrap Publishers Limited. Mi amiga siempre está discutiendo con su marido por cuestiones de dinero. In addition, they all include professional audio recorded by native spanish speakers. After I meditate, I feel at one with the world. Vicky went to the night club, along with her friend Cheryl. The attack was carried out by an individual claiming to be affiliated with a known terrorist group. Le pregunté a Juana su opinión y ella está de acuerdo conmigo. Thank goodness that ordeal is all over with. Once Mark had acquainted his assistant with the computer program, she was able to work on her own. Me siento muy cómoda en esta nueva situación. Porque can translate "as" when "as" is used to indicate why something happened, especially when "as" in the middle of a sentence. Tras la mediación me sentí en armonía con el mundo. ", La muchedumbre respondió a su discurso gritando: "¿Te apoyamos, Amelia! Your opinion is definitely at variance with the facts. Craig niveló el pasamanos con la encimera contigua de la cocina. Las películas de este director están llenas de violencia. The sudden betrayal aligned Samantha with her former enemy. But if you can learn these 100 words and understand how they're used, you'll be a long way toward being able to communicate freely in Spanish. Asegúrate de que tu comportamiento concuerda con el código de conducta de la compañía. As with any grammar rule, there are a lot of exceptions. Have you tried it yet? Become a WordReference Supporter to view the site ad-free. With this software you can track all your business contacts in one place. Obviously, you're not going to be able to say everything you want to say with only 100 Spanish words — although you could do surprisingly well with fewer than 1,000. Entdecken Sie einen neuen Online-Kurs, einen interessanten Live-Stream oder ein informatives Webinar auf Eventbrite. La repentina traición alineó a Samantha con su antiguo enemigo. Ella ha estado con su actual novio por casi un año. Shannon se turna con Joan como lanzadora en el gran partido. Marca con una cinta los tallos de las flores que deseas comprar. La moribunda mujer quería que su familia la acompañara durante sus últimos días. Translations in context of "cooperating with neighbouring countries" in English-Spanish from Reverso Context: Those efforts included the streamlining of domestic procedures for dispatching contingents to peacekeeping operations and cooperating with neighbouring countries on peace operations training. Rupert teaches French at the college; he sometimes assists with Spanish lessons too. Ella trabajaba con las comunidades para mejorar los servicios locales. Learn Spanish online with great Spanish teachers over Skype or Zoom in dynamic lessons. A preposition is a word that indicates the relationship between a noun and another word (e.g. Mantengo mi interés en hacer ejercicio alternando carrera con natación. Estoy enfadado con mi hermana por haber cogido mi libro. Britain had been at war with France since 1803. Tu opinión está completamente en contradicción con los hechos. I stay interested in exercising by alternating running with swimming. Compound Forms: Inglés: Español: abound with [sth] vi + prep (be filled with [sth]): rebosar de vi + prep: estar lleno de loc verb locución verbal: Unidad léxica estable formada de dos o más palabras que funciona como verbo ("sacar fuerzas de flaqueza", "acusar recibo"). Cost of tuition Spanish language needs: language lessons for beginners and intermediate speakers by native speaker with sister! 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